Monday, October 7, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town

Philippine volcano spews ash and steam, evacuation underway

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (AP) – A small volcano in a scenic lake near the Philippine capital blew a white plume of steam and ash 1.5 kilometres into the sky in a brief but powerful explosion yesterday, prompting authorities to raise the alert level and evacuate hundreds of residents from high-risk villages. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.

‘Open the schools’: Afghan girls protest in Kabul                                                     

KABUL (AFP) – About two dozen girls and women chanting “open the schools” protested in the Afghan capital yesterday against the Taleban’s decision to shut their secondary schools just hours after re-opening them this week. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.

Shanghai won’t lockdown despite COVID spike

SHANGHAI (AFP) – Shanghai yesterday recorded a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases, but a member of the city’s pandemic task force said officials were determined to avoid a full lockdown over the damage it would do to the economy. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.

300 killed in theatre strike, says Ukraine

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) – A Russian airstrike last week that blasted open a theatre being used as a shelter in the suffering city of Mariupol killed about 300 people, Ukrainian authorities said, marking what could be the war’s deadliest known attack on civilians yet. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.

Two million in Malaysia may lose vaccinated status without booster shots

THE STAR/ANN – Some two million recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine by Sinovac are set to lose their fully vaccinated status if they do not receive their boosters by April 1 said Malaysian Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.

His Majesty sends congratulatory messages

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam consented to send congratulatory messages to President of Bangladesh Md Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, the government as well as the people of Bangladesh on the occasion of its Independence Day.

26 nabbed in gambling raid

Daniel Lim

The Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) detained 26 individuals suspected of being involved in gambling activities on March 24.

Detectives and police officers detained the suspects, believed to be involved in Paikaw type gambling activities, at a residence near Jalan Sungai Pandan, Kuala Belait.

Authorities discovered evidence such as cash, cards, dice, Paikaw, as well as tools suspected to have been used in gambling.

The suspects and evidence were taken to the Belait District Police Headquarters for investigation under Chapter 28 of the Common Gambling Houses Act.

Authorities will monitor, track and trace down criminal activities in preventing illegal activities in the country.

The area where gambling was carried out. PHOTO: RBPF

Muslims urged to reap benefits of Ramadhan

Azlan Othman

As the nation is about a week away from welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan, religious authorities urged Muslims to intensify pious acts and increase Sunnat prayers, reading Al-Quran, Zikir, I’tikaf (spend their days and nights at the mosque) and Qiyamullail (nightly vigil).

Imams in the Friday sermon yesterday also called on Muslims to deepen their religious knowledge such as laws of fasting and etiquette such as refrain from committing forbidden acts, safeguarding sight, hearing and restraining the tongue as well as from wasteful matters.

Welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan is a blessing for the faithful where gates of heaven and blessings are abundant and every good deed is compensated with multiplied rewards.

One should also avoid consuming anything dubious and Haram, especially during the breaking of fast and when taking Sahur (pre-dawn meal).

Besides spiritual preparation, Muslims are also urged to look after their health as a healthy body will facilitate them to perform fasting and other pious acts such as Tarawih prayers, Qiyamullail, reading Al-Quran, I’tikaf and so on.

Imams also called on the Ummah to eat in moderation and strive for a balanced diet. The fasting month is also a good time to quit smoking.

“Let us be grateful for being able to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan once again despite the fact that the world is still grappling with COVID-19,” Imams said.

Imams also advised the Ummah to abide by the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and hoped that this year, “we will be able to perform such obligation properly and receive blessings from Allah the Almighty”.

Meanwhile, in the Friday sermon yesterday, Imams also highlighted the significance of water resources, especially when it is scarce.

“Imagine the hardship when the water supply is temporarily cut off or if there is yellowish water, drought, maintenance of infrastructure and so on affecting the daily routine,” Imams said.

“As consumers, we should be patient in facing such a situation and give trust to the Department of Water Services.

“Without realising, we tend not to appreciate such blessing as at present such resources are accessible. Due to the lack of appreciation, some people waste water and use it excessively,” Imams added.

“Such attitude of wastage is despicable. Let us be grateful for the blessings by being prudent and responsible in water usage and pray for such blessing to be everlasting and continuously enjoyed.”

Over 150kg of waste collected at beach clean-up

Over 150 kilogrammes of garbage and waste was collected by over 30 participants comprising Shell LiveWIRE Brunei Alumni members at a cleaning campaign at Muara Beach.

The beach clean-up is one of Shell LiveWIRE Brunei’s ‘Adopt-A-Beach’ campaign, a community effort aimed at empowering individuals of all ages to participate in the conservation of the marine environment as well as committing to ensure the cleanliness of Muara Beach for one year through a series of quarterly beach clean-ups.

The event was organised by Shell LiveWIRE Brunei with support from the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (JASTRe), Ministry of Development and supported by Beach Bunch Association.

Apart from introducing a sustainable lifestyle and to instil awareness in disposing garbage responsibly, the initiative aims to expose the issue of incorrect waste management and to raise awareness of correct waste management practices.

Shell LiveWIRE Brunei Programme Director Haji Abdul Yusrin bin Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Mohd Salleh, officers from Beach Bunch Association and Shell LiveWIRE Brunei also took part in the beach clean-up.

Participants at the beach clean-up. PHOTO: SHELL LIVEWIRE BRUNEI

JPMC levels up with new upgrade

Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) is the third laboratory to own the new Abbott GLP Total Laboratory Automation (TLA) System within the Southeast Asia region, offering flexibility and options to meet the increased operational demand at the medical centre.

Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar in his capacity as JPMC Executive Director was the guest of honour at the launch at JPMC Laboratory, Level 1 yesterday.

Senior management and heads of departments were also present.

The event began with a recitation of Doa by Haji Ishkandar bin Haji Buntar and continued with a tour to witness the operation of the GLP TLA system.

The GLP TLA system uses an automated sample delivery track system that handles an estimated 900 samples per hour from start to finish. “The automated processes will result in reduced turnaround time, which will benefit patient management, particularly in critical care units,” Head of JPMC Laboratory Department Dr Haji Mohammad bin Haji Kassim said.

It also has a feature that minimises contact with patients’ blood samples, ensuring workers’ safety. The system maximises efficiency by having a consistent sample management to ensure better and faster laboratory service, he added.

Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar and JPMC Medical Director Dr Meera Kabeer at the launch. PHOTO: JPMC