Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Brunei Town

‘Pillars of Creation’ captured in new Webb image

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The James Webb Space Telescope captured the iconic ‘Pillars of Creation’, huge structures of gas and dust teeming with stars, NASA said on Wednesday, and the image is as majestic as one could hope.

The twinkling of thousands of stars illuminates the telescope’s first shot of the gigantic gold, copper and brown columns standing in the midst of the cosmos. At the ends of several pillars are bright red, lava-like spots.

“These are ejections from stars that are still forming,” only a few hundred thousand years old, NASA said in a statement.

These “young stars periodically shoot out supersonic jets that collide with clouds of material, like these thick pillars”, the United States (US) space agency added.

The ‘Pillars of Creation’ are located 6,500 light years from Earth, in the Eagle Nebula of our Milky Way galaxy.

The Pillars of Creation captured by the James Webb Space Telescope in near-infrared-light view. PHOTO: AP

The pillars were made famous by the Hubble Space Telescope, which first captured them in 1995 and then again in 2014.

But thanks to Webb’s infrared capabilities, the newer telescope – launched into space less than a year ago – can peer through the opacity of the pillars, revealing many new stars forming.

“By popular demand, we had to do the ‘Pillars of Creation’ with Webb,” Klaus Pontoppidan, the science programme manager at the Space Telescope Science Institute, said on Wednesday on Twitter.

STScI operates Webb from Baltimore, Maryland.

“There are just so many stars!” Pontoppidan added.

NASA astrophysicist Amber Straughn summed it up: “The universe is beautiful!” she wrote on Twitter. The image, covering an area of about eight light years, was taken by Webb’s primary imager NIRCam, which captures near-infrared wavelengths – invisible to the human eye.

The colours of the image have been “translated” into visible light.

According to NASA, the new image “will help researchers revamp their models of star formation by identifying far more precise counts of newly formed stars, along with the quantities of gas and dust in the region”.

Operational since July, Webb is the most powerful space telescope ever built, and has already unleashed a raft of unprecedented data. Scientists are hopeful it will herald a new era of discovery.

Her Majesty graces Women’s Special Assembly

Izah Azahari

Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam graced the Women’s Special Assembly, held in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul, at the Royal Berkshire Hall, Royal Brunei Polo and Riding Club, Jerudong.

Accompanying Her Majesty were Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Raabi’atul ‘Adawiyyah binti Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Bini Hajah Faizah binti Dato Haji Nasir, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bolkiah, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Hafizah Sururul Bolkiah and Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Her Majesty was greeted by Minister of Religious Affairs Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman in his capacity as Chairman of the Executive Committee of Major Islamic Events Celebration for 1444 Hijrah; Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof in his capacity as co-advisor of the executive committee; co-advisors and co-chairmen as well as working committee members of the special assembly from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) and the Brunei Darussalam Women’s Council (BDWC).

Co-chairwoman of the event Hajah Siti Mahyana binti Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Dr Ustaz Haji Awang Yahya, highlighting this year’s celebration theme ‘Patience, Endeavour, Trust and Prayer Facing the Test: Reaching the Syafa’at of the Prophet (pbuh)’ which sees syafa’at as an extraordinary favour for those chosen by the Prophet (pbuh), which included those who increased the practice of reciting Dikir and Selawat.

The event saw a recitation of Al-Quran verses by the third place winner of the National Al-Quran Reading Competition for Adults for 1443 Hijrah Siti Zahrina binti Abdul Wahab. Further enlivening the event was a dikir performance by officers and staff from MTIC and BDWC.

A special lecture on this year’s Maulidur Rasul theme was delivered by Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Education Officer Hanisah binti Haji Othman.

A recitation of Selawat Tafrijiyyah and Selawat Munjiyyah was also led by students from the Bandar Seri Begawan Arabic Preparatory School.

Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam graced the Women’s Special Assembly held in conjunction with the Maulidur Rasul celebration for 1444 Hijrah yesterday. Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Raabi’atul ‘Adawiyyah binti Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Bini Hajah Faizah binti Dato Haji Nasir, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bolkiah, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Hafizah Sururul Bolkiah and Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also attended the event at the Royal Berkshire Hall, Royal Brunei Polo and Riding Club in Jerudong
ABOVE & BELOW: Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Raabi’atul ‘Adawiyyah binti Pengiran Haji Bolkiah, Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Bini Hajah Faizah binti Dato Haji Nasir, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bolkiah, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Hafizah Sururul Bolkiah and
Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Masna, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and
Her Majesty at the event. PHOTOS: BAHYIAH BAKIR & INFOFOTO

Her Majesty with the public at the event
ABOVE & BELOW: Recitation of Al-Quran at the event; and participants

ABOVE & BELOW: Participants at the religious event; and the audience

Treasured find in Green Jewel

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) field assistants recently made an unexpected ‘living fossil’ discovery in Temburong, dubbed the ‘Green Jewel of Brunei’.

The Borneo Earless Monitor (Lanthanotus borneensis) is a rare Bornean endemic lizard, the only known species in the family Lanthanoidae, an ancient lineage of lizards.

This is the first time the lizard has been discovered in the Sultanate. The rare discovery was made by Justin Jeffrey and Jerry Wong, who braved a heavy thunderstorm in search of reptiles on October 4 evening.

The pair chanced upon the earless monitor lizard in a primary forest in Ulu Temburong, clinging to a tree root near a torrential stream.

Realising the significance of the discovery, Jeffrey said, “Rough skinned, prehensile tail – this must be – no cannot be – it is!”

This is the first time the Borneo Earless Monitor has been discovered in the Sultanate. PHOTO: UBD
Justin Jeffrey and Jerry Wong with the earless monitor lizard. PHOTO: UBD

This discovery highlights the value of the continuous impact of UBD’s Faculty of Science (FOS) and the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER) in science and conservation.

On hearing the news, Professor Dr Ulmar Grafe from FOS, who specialises in amphibians and reptiles, commented: “This is probably the biggest reptile find coming out of Brunei – ever.”

First described in 1878 from specimens near Kuching, East Malaysia, they are estimated to have been around since the mid-Cretaceous or 100 million years.

Despite the name, earless monitors are capable of hearing, although they lack visible external ears.

Similar to snakes, they have a forked tongue that is used to smell their food. So far, this small monitor has been found only in the coastal lowlands of northern Sarawak and West Kalimantan.

The lizard is fully protected by the 1984 Brunei Wildlife Protection Act due to conservation efforts of the Wildlife Unit at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT).

It is hoped that other endangered animals, such as the Sunda Pangolin, will also receive full protection by including them in an updated Wildlife Protection Act. Illegal wildlife trade is a serious offence and the collective should not turn a blind eye to it.

Feathers ruffled as charismatic parrot banned from avian beauty contest

WELLINGTON (AFP) – The world’s fattest parrot can’t fly, and now it can’t run either.

Voting began on Monday in New Zealand’s always-controversial Bird of the Year contest, with angry twitchers spitting feathers at a decision to ban the twice-winning kakapo.

The beguiling owl parrot – which resembles a verdant feathered bowling ball – already won the contest in 2008 and 2020, and came runner up in 2021.

The kakapo was a favourite to win this year, scoring an endorsement from natural history icon David Attenborough, who described it as “loveable” and his favourite New Zealand bird.

But faced with a campaign of such soaring pedigree, organisers said they wanted to give less popular birds a chance.

A kakapo and its chick on New Zealand’s Codfish Island. PHOTO: AFP

“The decision to leave kakapo off this year’s candidate list wasn’t one we took lightly,” spokesperson for environmental group Forest and Bird Ellen Rykers told AFP.

“We know how much people love the kakapo. Bird of the Year is about raising awareness for all of New Zealand’s native birds, many of which are in serious trouble,” she said.

“We want to keep the competition fresh and interesting, and share some of the spotlight,” Rykers added.

“It wouldn’t be Bird of the Year without a few ruffled feathers.”


New Zealand’s Bird of the Year contest has proven highly contentious over the years. Past polls have been beset with irregularities – from a suspicious number of Russian votes, to neighbouring Australians openly attempting to rig the contest. The reigning champion is the pekapeka-tou-roa – a bat.

This time around, Facebook pages have been set up to champion the takahe, described by fans as a “chonky swamp hen” and the kea – which also looks like a verdant feathered bowling ball. But as voting got underway, Kakapo’s online fans insisted the ban won’t fly.

A kakapo expert from New Zealand’s Department of Conservation said it was important to allow other species to compete for the coveted Bird of the Year title. “New Zealand has lots of fantastic birds, but unfortunately most of them are endangered,” community manager Louise Porter told AFP. “There is a lot of publicity from winning bird of the year. Anything which gets the public engaging with conservation is a good thing.”

The kakapo, nocturnal and endangered, is unique to New Zealand and can weigh up to four kilogrammes, as much as a newborn human child.

Having previously teetered on the brink of extinction, the kakapo have recently had their best breeding season for 50 years, lifting their numbers from 197 to 252.

“People call kakapo ‘the world’s fattest parrot’, which is a bit mean – ‘the heaviest parrot’ is definitely kinder. They are gorgeous,” Porter said. “One of this year’s chicks is 3.2 kilogrammes – basically a very round ball with feathers.”

This year’s Bird of the Year will be announced on October 31.

Australia flags new corporate penalties for privacy breaches

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA (AP) – Australia yesterday proposed tougher penalties for companies that fail to protect customers’ personal data after two major cybersecurity breaches left millions vulnerable to criminals.

The penalties for serious breaches of the Privacy Act would increase from AUD2.2 million (USD1.4 million) now to AUD50 million (USD32 million) under amendments to be introduced to Parliament next week, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said.

A company could also be fined the value of 30 per cent of its revenues over a defined period if that amount exceeded AUD50 million (USD32 million).

Dreyfus said “big companies could face penalties up to hundreds of millions of dollars” under the new law. “It is a very, very substantial increase in the penalties,” Dreyfus told reporters.

“It’s designed to make companies think. It’s designed to be a deterrent so that companies will protect the data of Australians,” he added.

People walk past a Medibank branch in Sydney. PHOTO: AP

Parliament resumes on Tuesday for the first time since mid-September. Since Parliament last sat, unknown hackers stole personal data from 9.8 million customers of Optus, Australia’s second-largest wireless telecommunications carrier.

The theft has left more than one-third of Australia’s population at heightened risk of identity theft and fraud. Unknown cybercriminals this week demanded ransom from Australia’s largest health insurer, Medibank, after claiming to have stolen 200 gigabytes of customers’ data including medical diagnoses and treatments.

Medibank has 3.7 million customers. The company said the hackers had proved they hold the personal records of at least 100.

The thieves have reportedly threatened to make public medical conditions of high-profile Medibank customers. Dreyfus said both breaches had shown “existing safeguards are inadequate”.

As well as failing to protect personal information, the government is concerned that companies are unnecessarily holding too much customer data for too long in the hope of monetising that information.

“We need to make sure that when a data breach occurs the penalty is large enough, that it’s a really serious penalty on the company and can’t just be disregarded or ignored or just paid as a part of a cost of doing business,” said Dreyfus, who hopes the proposed amendments will become law in the final four weeks that Parliament will sit this year.

Any new penalties will not be retroactive and will not effect Optus or Medibank.

Employer in tight spot over unacceptable staff housing

Azlan Othman

Law Enforcement Division personnel detected two offences under the Employment Order, 2009 during the recent Operation Sejahtera 168/2022, which targetted a garbage disposal site in Kampong Gadong.

The employer was found to have not provided proper accommodation to workers, and that the staff quarters’ placement did not adhere to the Foreign Workers Licence (LPA).

The staff quarters was deemed to be too close to garbage dumps, with the room conditions cramped and uncomfortable.

The operation was conducted to enforce and ensure employers comply with the Employment Order, 2009.

The employer committed an offence under Section 80, which is failing to provide a clean, comfortable and safe place to live. The employer also committed an offence under Section 112 (2) of violating the conditions of the LPA.

For both offences, if convicted, the employer may be subject to a compound fine of BND600 for the first offence and BND900 for the second. The employer was also instructed to immediately relocate the employees to a suitable location.

Employers are reminded to monitor employees’ welfare, ensuring it is in accordance with the requirements of the Employment Order 2009 – such as the preparation of employment contracts and payment of wages on time. Employers are advised not to misuse the LPA or violate the Act under the Employment Order 2009.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show personnel inspecting the staff quarters. PHOTOS: AZLAN OTHMAN

Dogwalker discovers errant alligator roaming rural Idaho

BOISE, IDAHO (AP) – It’s not uncommon for Idaho wildlife officials to be called for help when a moose, mountain lion, black bear or other wild animals wander into one of the state’s rural communities.

But Idaho Fish and Game officials are asking the public for help with a particularly unusual find – a one-metre alligator that was discovered hiding in the brush of a rural neighbourhood about 64 kilometres northwest of Boise.

Southwest Region spokesperson Brian Pearson told the Idaho Statesman that a New Plymouth resident was walking their dog on Thursday evening when they noticed something moving in the brush. Further investigation revealed the alligator – a creature commonly found in the coastal wetlands of the southeastern United States, but certainly not native to Idaho.

Pearson said the resident put the alligator in a nearby horse trailer until Idaho Fish and Game conservation officer could pick it up on Friday morning. The department has the animal in captivity for now.

Social media stocks slip amid Musk, Snap news

AP – Shares of social media companies tumbled on Friday after a slew of news in the sector that concerned investors, including a report that Elon Musk may cut almost 75 per cent of Twitter’s workforce and Snap’s muted fourth-quarter outlook.

Musk has told prospective investors in his Twitter purchase that he plans to cut nearly 75 per cent of Twitter’s employee base of 7,500 workers, leaving the company with a skeleton crew, according to a Thursday report by The Washington Post.

A Delaware judge has given Musk and Twitter until October 28 to work out details of the proposed USD44 billion deal.

Otherwise, there will be a trial in November.

Shares of Twitter fell USD2.55, or almost five per cent, to close on Friday at USD49.89.

The Twitter logo on a mobile phone. PHOTO: AP

Elsewhere in the sector, Snap Inc’s stock slid more than 28 per cent after the company behind Snapchat gave a lackluster forecast for the fourth quarter and its third-quarter revenue missed Wall Street’s view.

Snap reported third-quarter revenue of USD1.13 billion, below the USD1.15 billion that analysts polled by Zacks Investment Research expected.

While the Santa Monica, California-based company said in a letter to investors that it wasn’t giving a formal fourth-quarter outlook, it did say that it’s highly likely that year-over-year revenue growth will slow during the period.

Snap said its internal forecasts are for year-over-year revenue growth to be about flat.

A JPMorgan analyst note said that Snap is experiencing weaker demand due to macro pressures, platform policy changes and competition.

“We appreciate management’s efforts to control what they can – cutting costs and doubling down on more resilient performance-based ads – but trends remain choppy, and the macro backdrop is likely even tougher into 2023,” the note said.

Adding to the mix are concerns about the way social media platforms are being used as the mid-term elections near.

While platforms like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube said they’ve expanded their work to detect and stop harmful claims that could suppress the vote or even lead to violence, a review shows they’re still playing catchup with 2020, when then-president Donald Trump’s lies about the election he lost to Joe Biden helped fuel an insurrection at the United States Capitol.

Shares of Meta Platforms Inc, parent company of Facebook, fell 1.2 per cent. The flurry of news weighed on others in the sector as well, including Pinterest Inc, which ended down 6.4 per cent.

At least 15 killed in bus-truck collision on Indian highway

NEW DELHI (AP) – A bus collided with a truck on a highway in central India, killing at least 15 people, police said yesterday.

At least 40 other people were injured in the accident, which occurred in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh state late on Friday, police said. The bus was carrying at least 60 passengers when it rammed into a stationary truck that had just collided with another truck on the highway, police officer Navneet Bhasin told reporters.

Most of the passengers were labourers travelling to their homes in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh to celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, Bhasin said.

The injured were taken to a hospital for treatment.

India’s President Draupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted their condolences yesterday.

India has some of the highest road death rates in the world, with hundreds of thousands of people killed and injured annually. Most crashes are blamed on reckless driving, poorly maintained roads and ageing vehicles.

This image from video shows the mangled remains of a bus that collided with a truck on a highway in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh state, India. PHOTO: AP

Amazon to use Hawaiian Airlines to operate cargo planes

HONOLULU (AP) – Hawaiian Airlines will operate 10 cargo planes for starting next fall under a deal that could eventually involve more planes and give Amazon a 15-per-cent stake in the airline.

The airline’s parent company, Hawaiian Holdings Inc, said on Friday that it will fly and maintain an “initial fleet” of 10 leased Airbus A330-300 jets for the retail giant.

The fleet could grow “depending on Amazon’s future business needs”, the company said.

Hawaiian said it issued warrants that Amazon can exercise over the next nine years and acquire up to 15 per cent of Hawaiian stock.

Shares of Hawaiian Holdings jumped 13 per cent in afternoon trading on Friday.

An Hawaiian Airlines plane taxis for position at Kahalui, Hawaii on the island of Maui. PHOTO: AP

When travel plunged and consumer spending spiked early in the pandemic, airlines began carrying more cargo and demand for freighter planes grew.

More recently, the cargo business has cooled off as consumer spending shifted away from goods toward services including travel, and airlines have been stuck with excess cargo capacity.

Global demand for cargo fell 8.3 per cent in August compared with a year earlier, the International Air Transport Association reported this month.

Hawaiian said it won’t use any of its current planes to serve Amazon.

Instead, Amazon’s air division will lease the first 10 planes – which will be converted from passenger jets to freighters – from leasing company Altavair.

“This relationship provides a catalyst to grow our business and the unique opportunity to diversify our revenue sources while capitalising on our established strengths,” said Hawaiian Chief Executive Officer Peter Ingram.

The A330-300 is a large, two-aisle plane that has about 330 seats when used for passenger flights.

Director of Amazon’s air fleet Philippe Karam said the jets will be the largest and newest planes flying for Amazon Air.

Amazon brands its fleet as Prime Air, and it has struck previous deals with both passenger and cargo airlines.

In 2019, Sun Country Airlines announced it would operate 10 converted Boeing 737 aircraft for Amazon.

Under a deal with Atlas Air, Amazon took warrants that could be converted into a 20-per-cent stake in the cargo carrier.