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New to volunteering? A how-to guide to find the right fit

FILE – Bella McGowan, right, works at a community garden with local residents Rico De Rixey, center, and his wife Geraldine Brand, Thursday, April 13, 2023, in Los Angeles. PHOTO: AP

How to look for a volunteer opportunity that is a good fit for you:

Know yourself

Assess your goals, skills and passions. Are you seeking to find new friends, learn something new or make a change in a specific area?

Tim Delaney, president and CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits, urges people to think broadly: “A lot of people imagine over the years stuffing envelopes,” he says. “Well, sometimes, that happens. But that’s not what most volunteers are doing.”

Define your availability

When are you available and for how much time?

Some nonprofits have volunteer opportunities only during working hours. Others might be more flexible but have a mountain of work to assign.

Be clear with yourself and the organisation about how much time you can commit and what you want to be doing in that time.

“You want an organisation that’s going to utilise you, your skills, your talents well,” says Karmit Bulman, who leads the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement.

Where to look

Often, a large organisation will have information about volunteer spots. You might look online at organisations and state-run volunteer centres.

But many local nonprofits are run by volunteers and might not have the bandwidth to post new volunteer shifts. Read their websites or social media posts and then reach out directly to ask if your skills and availability are a good fit. Follow up if needed and be patient. The process of searching is part of the journey of deepening your connection with your community.

When you find an opportunity that interests you, sign up and make a plan to fit it into your schedule. Consider telling a friend or family member as a way to hold yourself accountable for actually going.

If the nonprofit serves a vulnerable population, such as children, survivors of violence or those with serious health issues, it will likely ask volunteers to complete a background check. Other organisations might require training.

Keep an open mind

If a friend or family member invites you to participate, go! Better yet, ask around to see if someone you know is already involved with an organisation that they would recommend.

If you’re hoping to connect a loved one with a volunteer opportunity, consider signing up yourself and your loved one to go together. – AP


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