Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Mosque marks new year Hijrah with Subuh activities

The Az-Zakireen Mosque in RPN Kampong Meragang organised a Tazkirah Subuh and Riadah Hijrah 1446 event yesterday to celebrate Ilal Hijrah.

The event began with mass Subuh prayer, followed by a tazkirah delivered by Education Officer from the Counselling Division of the Ministry of Education Haji Samali bin Haji Adam.

The tazkirah on ‘Preserving the Mind, Prosperous Society’, highlighted the blessings of the Hijrah that should be appreciated.

The sermon discussed the Hijrah, emphasising that society gained the blessings of Islam, faith, unity, and many other benefits.

Haji Samali stressed that the journey of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Makkah to Madinah should be appreciated and taken as a lesson to continue the struggle despite challenges and threats.

Education Officer from the Counselling Division of the Ministry of Education Haji Samali bin Haji Adam delivers a tazkirah. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI
ABOVE & BELOW: Attendees at the Az-Zakireen Mosque; and Haji Samali during the event. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI

He said that such a challenging life resulted in a peaceful and prosperous society and explained that forming a prosperous society involves the preservation of the mind.

“The mind distinguishes humans from other creatures. The mind can make someone noble, but it can also cause disgrace if not guided by Syariah,” said Haji Samali.

Due to the importance of the mind for humans, Islam emphasises the preservation of the mind, which is one of the Maqasid Syariah (objectives of Islamic law).

The event continued with an aerobics session and physical activities involving mosque committee takmir members, congregants, and villagers.

The event’s objective was to commemorate the Hijrah through religious gatherings and promote health through physical activities. – Fadley Faisal


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