Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Malaysian diplomat hosts mini open house

Lyna Mohamad

The Malaysian High Commission in Brunei Darussalam hosted a mini open house at the high commissioner’s residence with strict adherence to COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) yesterday.

Malaysian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam Dato’ Raja Reza bin Raja Zaib Shah said he decided on a staggered Hari Raya open house where no more than 30 guests attended during three different time slots. The guests had to perform their antigen rapid test (ART) screening prior to the visit and had body temperature checks and scan the BruHealth QR code when visiting.

He said yesterday’s open house was his first in Sultanate and it was a joyous occasion.
“I have created a safe environment for people to visit.”

Among the guests were Cabinet ministers and heads of missions.

The diplomat added that he was honoured to be invited to Istana Nurul Iman to meet His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Her Majesty Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha binti Al-Marhum Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji Mohamed Alam and the royal family on the first day of Hari Raya along with other envoys.

He said the visit to the royal residence was an intimate affair as only Cabinet ministers, senior government officials and heads of missions were invited. The occasion gave diplomats the opportunity to meet Their Majesties to convey well wishes.

“The celebratory mood can clearly be seen in Brunei where people visit houses. We are not missing anything in this year’s celebration. It is similar with what we have in Malaysia. I would like to wish all Bruneian friends Selamat Hari Raya.

“We look forward to a merrier celebration next year where more people can visit my residence and with less restrictions. Let us pray that the land borders between Brunei and Malaysia will re-open soon and families can unite again,” he said.

Minister of Defence II Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Mohd Yussof, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Mokti bin Haji Mohd Daud, Minister of Development Dato Seri Setia Ir Awang Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gafar, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin and Malaysian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam Dato’ Raja Reza bin Raja Zaib Shah during group photo sessions at the open house. PHOTOS: MUIZ MATDANI

Royal Brunei Armed Forces Commander Major General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Muhammad Haszaimi bin Bol Hassan with the host

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