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Malaysia considers Singaporean English teachers plan

KUALA LUMPUR (ANN/THE STAR) – The Malaysian Ministry of Education is exploring the implementation of a proposal to bring in Singaporean teachers to teach English in Malaysia on a voluntary basis, says Fadhlina Sidek.

“The ministry welcomes (the proposal) and is in the midst of studying the proposal, especially the implementation in educational institutes to ensure that it is in line with the existing policies and rules,” the Education Minister said during Ministers’ Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, July 16.

“The ministry will also identify the volunteers who have the necessary qualifications to ensure the quality of the teaching and learning (process),” she added.

She said the ministry has implemented similar initiatives with teachers from Australia, the United States and South Korea.

She was responding to a question by Kalam Salan (PN-Sabak Bernam) on whether there are special plans to bring in English teachers from Singapore and the measures taken to strengthen the proficiency of the English language among local teachers.

Malaysia’s Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek. PHOTO: ANN/THE STAR

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said in June that the proposal was meant to be a volunteer programme, and also aimed at boosting English language proficiency and improving bilateral relations between Malaysia and Singapore.

As for boosting the English language proficiency of local teachers, Fadhlina said several programmes have been conducted including the English for Preschool Teachers course and Professional Upskilling of English Language Teachers (Pro-ELT) programme to ensure that teachers achieve a minimum of a C1 in the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR).

“Since 2019, teachers who have yet to hit the C1 level would have to take an English proficiency test,” she said.

Aside from that, she said the ministry has established the “Inggeris Integrated Microlearning Programme with Robust Virtual Experience (Improve)” platform which offers online courses for teachers.

The ministry has also introduced the 3PBI plan to boost technology based English Language pedagogy.

HIPMax, Malaysian Folklore StoryFest, Critical Reading Strategy, and Oral Communication are among the programmes organised, she said.


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