Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Life’s dashes of flavour

Hobbies have the power to help navigate individuals through life’s ever-changing chapters

As we roll through life’s different chapters, our to-do lists and whatnots tend to change. Often, there’s hardly any wiggle room left for fun stuff and personal passions.

But, you know what? It’s a must to realise that as we rack up the candles on our birthday cakes, keeping our spirits high and content is a big deal. And one super cool way to do that is by diving headfirst into a hobby.

Sure, it might sound trivial, but hobbies bring a ton of perks for your body, mind and soul, making them a stellar addition to our lives, especially when the golden years roll in.

As they say, life is like a rollercoaster – you never know what’s coming next.

As for those who have had hobbies, in the hustle and bustle of work, family, and “adulting”, those hobbies we used to geek out over can end up gathering dust. Well, guess what? Getting older doesn’t just mean more wrinkles; it means more time to rediscover what once made your heart skip a beat.

So, why not dive back into those passions? It’s like a shot of rejuvenation straight to the soul, and it’ll give your life a fresh sense of purpose.


The key to mental agility

Personally, I feel that getting into a hobby is like a workout for your brain, helping it stay sharp and on its toes. Stuff like puzzles, board games, painting, or picking up a musical instrument aren’t just fun; they’re brain-boosters too.

They rev up those cognitive gears and can even put the brakes on age-related brain fuzz. Plus, learning something new, even if it’s as unfamiliar as a unicorn in your backyard, keeps your noggin fresh and flexible.

I, for one, have recently dipped my toes into the world of collecting building block toys, and I’m totally hooked. There’s something about piecing together these iconic figures brick by brick that’s just so satisfying and de-stresses my brain.

No doubt, life can toss stress our way no matter our age. But as we clock more birthdays, everyday pressure cookers can start feeling like volcanoes. That’s where hobbies come to the rescue.

They’re like a secret hideaway from the daily grind – your personal zen garden. Whether you’re digging into the soil, stretching into yoga poses, knitting a cosy scarf or spying on our feathered friends, hobbies can be your ticket to chill town. They help melt away stress and give your mental mojo a boost.

“Taking a break from my hectic routine, which is filled with work and errands, is essential. My go-to escape? Adrenaline sports. Why? Because I thrive on challenges,” this was what a friend of mine, Zizi, 35, shared.

Adrenaline-junkie Zizi in action. PHOTO: ZIZI

He added that, “hobbies push my physical and mental limits, which is fantastic for me, considering I’m a father to three wonderful kids who rely on me to be energetic and playful with them”.

Zizi believes that staying in shape isn’t just about looking good; it’s about being there for his children and being an active part of their lives.

“Being engaged in these adrenaline-pumping hobbies, my mind gets cleared, and my mental health benefits greatly. It’s like the stress levels are reset, and a moment of peace is discovered amid the chaos. Hobbies, in this case, are not just pastimes; they serve as a way for my sanity to be maintained and for me to stay grounded amidst a busy life.”

Offering a unique channel for self-expression, individuals also find solace in hobbies that enable them to unleash their creativity, explore new horizons and achieve their goals.

“Hobbies just help bring balance to your life.

Working a private nine-to-five six days a week, a bulk of your time is divided between family and your career, and there are just points in your life where balancing those two can be overwhelming,” said Wail, 33. He believes that it gives you a quick reprieve from everything – depending on your hobby.

“It can centre you, and hopefully dispel any fatigue or exhaustion caused by life. I found my hobby of gardening, because cultivating fruits, veggies and flowers, brings me peace and to be honest, it’s one of the few things in life that I have control over.

“You care for them, water them, give them fertiliser, and watch them bloom and fruit, and it feels like an achievement, to work with nature like that, not only for beauty, but for sustenance and even, in a sense, for the environment as your plant add more greens to the world.”

Miniature chess pieces created by Fai. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI / FAI

My cousin, Fai, 35, who likes to tinker with creating miniature models, on the other hand, thinks getting into a hobby is pretty crucial, especially if it’s something you can do on your own, in your own little world. “It really helps with deep thinking, especially when it makes you come up with creative solutions to problems.

“Plus, it’s a great way to get to know yourself better by pushing past your own limits and understanding the world around you.”

I was on the lookout for someone into DIY fun, and who else than my own brother, Saiful, 32, who’s gotten into the hobby of 3D printing for the past few years.

“I took the 3D printing hobby to support my other past times such as 3D modelling, painting as well as RC model building and cosplay.

“The itch to create is what led me to this hobby, especially after hearing that 3D printers have become more budget-friendly and super easy to use.”

Fai likes to tinker with creating miniature models. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI / FAI

He said that his own experiences working on projects like designing items and 3D printing has been therapeutic and grants the satisfaction of creation.

“What I’ve done for myself is that I have produced unique RC tank models, custom cosplay parts and custom masks.

“And as any hobby, it is possible to make it as a side business to provide 3D printing services to customers who are looking for custom printed items.”

Shimah, 34, was another hobbyist I spoke to. Hers was on terrariums.   

“Terrariums are a captivating and self-contained world of miniature plants nestled within glass containers, offering a unique and enchanting glimpse into the world of nature.

“My journey into this hobby began when I stumbled upon a beautifully crafted terrarium at a local botany store. I was instantly drawn to the idea of creating my own tiny ecosystems, and so my adventure began.”

Shimah’s collection of terrariums. PHOTOS: IZAH AZAHARI / SHIMAH

She explained that it gives her a creative outlet and space to experiment with different plant species, designs and decorative elements. What’s more is that it also gives her mental stimulation.

“The process of selecting the right plants, designing the layout, and maintaining the delicate balance within the terrarium requires attention to detail and problem-solving. This has helped me develop patience, mindfulness, and an appreciation for the beauty of nature.”

On another up-side, Shimah said her hobby has also given her the ability to share those skills with friends and family, expanding her social circle and allowed her to combine her passion with a modest source of income.

Shimah finds terrariums offer a unique and enchanting glimpse into the world of nature. PHOTO: IZAH AZAHARI / SHIMAH

As we grow older, time becomes increasingly precious. Engaging in a hobby is like investing your time in something that truly matters to you.

It’s not about idly passing the days; it’s about finding a purpose and a reason to greet each new day with excitement. Hobbies add that extra dash of flavour to life, making every day an adventure worth looking forward to. – Izah Azahari


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