Appointed titled person to the Legislative Council (LegCo) Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji lbrahim called for a review on a policy involving foreign investors with no permanent resident status, foreign workers that own companies, managers and skilled workers who have reached 60 years and above, and not allowed to stay in the country although they have been staying in the country for over 30 years.
He said this should be reviewed not to affect foreign investors’ confidence and not to create a negative effect to the domestic economy activity in terms of the outflow of money and closure of premises, the sale of property and reduce government assistance to job opportunities for locals.
In expressing his motion of thanks at the 20th session of the LegCo meeting yesterday, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman also said the 12th National Development Plan (RKN 12) which begins this year, will give a positive impact and upgrade the quality of life and stimulate businesses as it acts as a catalyst to develop economic activity through spin-off. “It will also generate more investment and create employment. This will be a pre-requisite for locals wanting to expand and lure foreign direct investments (FDIs).”
He said such a pre-requisite, especially to tract FDIs, have been raised before. He called on agencies to review its effectiveness to generate economic activities.

He also said home stay passes or visas should be introduced based on the country’s specific needs to boost confidence and lure foreign investors. The home stay passes or visas can be from five to 10 years based on the investment and can create currency inflows, spin-offs and positive multiplier effects like micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), he said.
Meanwhile, appointed titled person Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Adanan bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Haji Mohd Yusof praised the call by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for LegCo members to go to the field to hear grievances to discuss with stakeholders on problems encountered.
He said dialogues and visits to the field enable LegCo members to express their views and discuss problems faced by the public and for ministries to respond. The relevant agencies should take steps regarding public grievances, he added.
Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Adanan said policies and effective means should be enhanced and widened in all government agencies to lure FDIs for a dynamic economy. Government agencies should also facilitate businesses and make it more conducive to attract FDIs and as an incentive to widen business activities.
He added the RKN 12 will generate socio-economic growth and enhance the quality of life.
It requires planning, monitoring commitment and with full responsibility. If problems arise affecting the period of project completion, a transparent dialogue is important to solve the matter so that the projects will not get delayed and completed on time, he said. – Azlan Othman