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Islamic administration considered challenge for all, says State Mufti

Islamic administration is considered a challenge for all because it is no longer as energetic as it is being pushed by the non-Islamic administration. This is why it deserves attention, said State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned.

He said this during a working paper presentation titled ‘Islamic Administration Challenges for All’ via video recording at the MBI Kelantan International Seminar 2024 (KelMIC ‘24) at Grand Riverview Hotel in Kelantan, Malaysia yesterday.

“Islamic administration is managing the country or government in an Islamic way, that is, in a way that is required by Islam. If this method can be fulfilled, then that is Islamic administration,” the state mufti said.

The meaning of the way required by Islam, according to the state mufti is to cover things that are fardhu (obligatory), sunnat (highly recommended) and harus (permissable). He said this happened in the Sultanate, where under the Compulsory Religious Education Act, children aged six and above, who have not yet reached puberty, are required to attend religious school so that all children in Brunei are good at prayers and at reading Al-Quran, because the rule of being good at reading Al-Quran is Fardhu Ain, just like the law of prayer.

The state mufti said, “This is a simple example of Islamic administration. In the modern era, people are rarely aware of this, as eyes are more open to western-style administration that does not emphasise on religion. Religious administration is considered burdensome or has no economic value.”

State Mufti Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned during the presentation. PHOTO: STATE MUFTI’S OFFICE

He added that this is happening in the new era. “I have mentioned this matter in a speech and also in writing, that an assistant education officer in a state in a neighbouring country who said, ‘according to a study, 51,000 out of a total of 149,000 (about 34 per cent) students from Years 2 to 6 were found not to know the way of praying and not reading Surah Al-Fatihah smoothly. This is a sign of administrative malpractice.”

“For us Muslims,” the state mufti said, “This is not a trivial issue as it involves accountability before Allah the Almighty in the future. Anyone who administers from the side of the government will be asked: Why is it that the people do not know how to pray and read Al-Quran.”

Islamic administration, according to the state mufti should be seen as a challenge for all. “We want the administration to be truly Islamic, because only Islamic administration promises happiness in this world and in the hereafter,” he said.

Because of that, he stress-ed that “we must dare to make changes”.

“We ‘clean’ the country with Islamic administration, an administration based on faith and piety. If this happens, then Allah the Almighty promises to send blessings from heaven and earth,” he added.

KelMIC’24 featured 12 paper presenters using Malay, English and Arabic. – Azlan Othman


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