Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Illegal storage demolished

Fadley Faisal

A shopowner’s storage extension in Pekan Muara, Mukim Serasa was demolished, following an order from the Planning Authority, Department of Town and Country Planning (TCP) which said the extension was built without planning permission, violating Section 23 (2), TCP Order, 2015.

The Planning Authority through the TCP, Ministry of Development had issued a warning letter to the shop owner to demolish the extension. The authority said the shopowner complied with the enforcement notice and there was no further violation after a routine inspection in March.

The public is reminded to comply with the planning laws, which include a provision that no person shall carry out the development, subdivision or consolidation of any land or carry out any work in a conservation area without permission from the Planning Authority.

Failure to comply is an offence liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding BND200,000 and further fines if the offence continues after conviction.

Before and after photos of the storage extension. PHOTOS: TCP

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