Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


High Court dismisses appeal on aggravated graft case

The High Court on Wednesday dismissed an appeal against a sentence of a former senior manager of a telco company for graft.

Zulkifli bin Haji Talip claimed trial to the two charges, but was found guilty by the Magistrate’s Court on finding the prosecution’s case against the appellant to be beyond reasonable doubt, resulting to one-year jail sentence.

Trial prosecutor and respondent in the appeal Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Hajah Suriana binti Haji Radin’s allegations were based on the Anti-Corruption Bureau’s (ACB) investigations, which states that the appellant attempted to obtain gratification in the form of a five-per-cent commission from the managing director of another company, as reward for recommending it to be a part of the telco company’s projects – worth BND923,593.60.

More details on Thursday’s Borneo Bulletin


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