Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Flag hoisting marks Pakistan Day

Rokiah Mahmud

A flag hoisting ceremony marked Pakistan Day at the Pakistan High Commission in Brunei Darussalam chancery in Kampong Lambak Kanan yesterday.

Charge d’Affaires Zulfaqar Haider hoisted the flag followed with the singing of the national anthem. He delivered messages of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.

The Pakistani community in Brunei Darussalam attended the ceremony.

Pakistan Day is a concept based on a spate entity of Hindu and Muslims which became the claim and movement of Pakistan. The concept was delivered in a form of resolution in the annual session of the Muslim League on March 23, 1940. Today, Pakistan pays tribute to the Father of the Nation Quaid-e-AzamMuhammad Ali Jinnah and the leaders of the Freedom Movement who struggled for uniting the nation through their sacrifices.

It is important to note that Pakistan came into being through a long democratic struggle and the key to its stability and development lies in hard work, honesty and morality.

Charge d’Affaires Zulfaqar Haider at the flag hoisting ceremony. PHOTOS: ROKIAH MAHMUD
Attendees during the Pakistan Day ceremony


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