Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Flag hoisting marks India’s Republic Day

Rokiah Mahmud

Charge d’Affaires at the India High Commission to Brunei Darussalam Alok Verma hoisted the Indian national flag in conjunction with the 73rd Republic Day of India in a ceremony at the Chancery premise in Kampong Sungai Akar yesterday.

The event continued with the singing of the national anthem followed by an address from India President Nath Kovind, delivered on the eve of the Republic Day by the Charge d’Affaires.

The speech shared on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world for two years while humankind was still battling with the pandemic.”

The speech added, “Hundred thousands of lives have been lost and the world economy has been reeling under the impact. The world has suffered from unprecedented challenges and surge after surge of new variants have been posing new crises. It has been an extraordinary challenge to humankind.

“In addition, the pandemic was bound to be all the more difficult in India as the country has a high density of population and as a developing economy, the country did not have the level of resources and infrastructure needed to battle the invisible enemy”. But, he added, it is only in such difficult times that the resilience of a nation shines forth.

ABOVE & BELOW: Attendees during the event; and Charge d’Affairs at the India High Commission to Brunei Darussalam Alok Verma hoists the Indian national flag. PHOTOS: INDIA HIGH COMMISSION TO BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

By the second year, the country developed indigenous vaccines and launched the world’s biggest vaccination drive in history. The vaccination drive is progressing at a quick pace in the country and during the pandemic, India reached out to several other countries with vaccines and medical help. This contribution by India has been appreciated by international organisations.

“A time of crisis has also made us appreciate how the Indians are connected as one family.

“The time during social distancing has brought the people close together and realised on how much they depend on each other.

As the pandemic is still wide-spread, the people are reminded to remain alert, precautions need to be continued, wearing mask and maintaining social distancing have been essential parts of COVID appropriate behaviour”.

The event was attended by members of the Indian community and friends of India.


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