Tuesday, March 18, 2025
29 C
Brunei Town

    Flag-hoisting ceremonies in Belait District

    In celebration of the 78th birthday of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, flag-hoisting ceremonies were held across Mukims and villages in the Belait District on Tuesday.

    At the Liang Lumut Recreational Club (LLRC), the Mukim and Village Consultative Council (MPMK) of Mukim Liang organised a ceremony with Penghulu of Mukim Liang Haji Mohamad Yamin bin Haji Abdul Ranni as the guest of honour. Village Head of Kampong Lumut II Haji Khairdon bin Haji Dahlan led the ceremony, handing the national flag to the Penghulu, who then passed it to the flag bearers from the Seni Warisan Pelangi Pencak Silat Group. The flag was hoisted as the national anthem was sung, followed by a short silat performance to enliven the celebration. The event was attended by members of MPMK Mukim Liang and local residents.

    National flag handed to the flag bearer by the Penghulu of Mukim Liang during the ceremony held at the Liang Lumut Recreational Club. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM
    Photo of the flag hoisting ceremony held at RPN Kampong Pandan Mosque. 

    A similar ceremony took place at the RPN Kampong Pandan Mosque for Mukim Kuala Belait. Organised by the Mukim Consultative Council (MPM) of Mukim Belait and led by Penghulu Haji Abdul Afiq bin Zainuddin, the ceremony saw the national flag handed to students from Sekolah Tunas Jaya PGGMB, who served as flag bearers. The flag was hoisted to the accompaniment of the national anthem. – DANIEL LIM


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