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‘Enough is enough’: Malaysia’s Queen

KUALA LUMPUR (ANN/THE STAR) – Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah, the Queen of Malaysia, urges global leaders to push for an urgent ceasefire in the Gaza-Israel conflict and establish a lasting humanitarian corridor to Gaza.

Her Majesty emphasised the importance of world leaders’ intervention to facilitate the delivery of crucial supplies by humanitarian organisations and to assist local groups in providing emergency services. This collective effort is crucial not only for delivering aid but also for preserving the dignity of those severely affected by the conflict, she said.

“We cannot let the bombings continue… we must collectively call for the immediate end of hostilities. I stand here, to join the growing call for a ceasefire now and I appeal to world leaders to pressure for an end to this madness.

“I stand here not only as a Queen but as a mother, with my children who I love dearly… I stand here as a human being and we must use our voice to say ‘Stop, enough is enough!’.

Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah. PHOTO: BERNAMA

“I am angry at this gross violation of human rights, I can no longer stay silent… I am worried for the Gazan people, for the safety of the children, I am worried for our humanity,” Tunku Azizah said in her Royal Address at the “United for Peace in Palestine: There is No Loss in Peace” Summit in Istanbul, Turkiye on Wednesday.

The summit was joined by the spouses of leaders from multiple countries and hosted by Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan.

Tunku Azizah said ever since the conflict intensified, hundreds of thousands of people have been urging their governments to support a ceasefire and the leaders should listen to their people’s voices. 

“These people come from all walks of life, practice different religions, and speak different languages but they speak with one voice – to call for peace, to live in harmony and to respect each other,” Her Majesty said.

Tunku Azizah said no human should live in constant fear for their lives with thousands of victims of bombings still stuck under the rubble of buildings.

The monarch also expressed her sadness over the devastating situation in Gaza as over ten thousand of its people have been killed with nearly half of them being children in a month due to Israel’s brutality against Palestine.

“They have been denied and deprived of a normal childhood and family life. This is indeed a gross violation of a basic human right…the right to live a normal and decent life,” Tunku Azizah said.

Her Majesty said the important reminder that people cannot ignore is, the pain and suffering that the world is going through, hence as human beings, world communities must not stop demanding an end to all hostilities

“Every country facing war, hardship, and conflict right now deserves to live in peace, I humbly speak for every one of them and as a Muslim, I want to remind you that it is our duty as human beings to demand an end to all hostilities, as it has been said, ‘war brings pain, not gain’, so let’s choose peace to prosper,” she said.

Meanwhile, a joint statement by the Spouses of Heads of State and Governments and the representatives of countries at the summit categorically stated that they firmly rejected any attempts to displace the Palestinian civilian population from their land.

According to the statement, emphasising the grave impact of displacement under the current circumstances of conflict on women, children, and the elderly, immediate and full compliance by all parties with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law must be taken.

They also urged the entire world to take immediate and collective action to stop the ongoing massacre in Gaza.

“We call for immediate cessation of Israeli attacks targeting all civilian settlements in Gaza, including schools, hospitals and other medical facilities, refugee camps, United Nations facilities and places of worship.

“In this regard, the urgent ceasefire that will end the hostilities and the provision of unhindered, sufficient and safe humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza is absolutely necessary,” read the joint statement.

Israel has launched relentless air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip which has caused more than 11,000 Palestinians to be killed, including over 7,800 women and children, while over 29,000 others have been injured to date. 


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