Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Employers, workers found flouting labour law

Lyna Mohamad

The Labour Enforcement Division of the Labour Department discovered several violations of the Employment Order 2009 following a joint operation called Operation Kelinga 47/2023 conducted with the Immigration and National Registration Department in three business establishments in the Tutong District last Monday.

Enforcement officers found an employer believed to have violated Chapter 10 of the Employment Order 2009 for not providing a service contract at the first location. The employer was also believed to have violated Chapter 71 (failure to provide annual leave) and Chapter 65 (working hours exceeding 12 hours per day) for six foreign workers under its sponsorship.

Enforcement officers also found a waiter doing the work of a kitchen assistant, which was a violation of Chapter 112(02) of the Employment Order 2009 and Regulation 15(3) of the Immigration Regulation (Chapter 17).

At the second location, the enforcement officers found an employer in violation of Chapter 10 of the Employment Order 2009 for failing to produce a written service contract; and Chapter 82 for not providing first aid box for seven foreign workers under the employer’s sponsorship.

It was also found that a foreign worker was in violation of Chapter 112(02) of the Employment Order 2009 and Regulation 15(3) of the Immigration Regulation (Chapter 17).

At the final location, it was found that an employer violated Chapter 10 of the Employment Order 2009 under Chapter 10 and Chapter 82 for its three foreign workers employed under the sponsorship.

For violation of Chapter 65 and Chapter 71, if found guilty, the employer is liable to a compound fine of BND160 for the first offence and BND320 for the second offence and the third offence. The employer will be prosecuted in court for failing to pay the fine.

Meanwhile, for offences under chapters 10, 82 and 112(02), if found guilty the employer is liable to a compound fine of BND600 for the first offence and BND900 for the second offence and will be brought to courts for the third offence or failure to pay the compound fine.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show the operation underway. PHOTOS: LABOUR DEPARTMENT


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