Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Education is key in fight against drug abuse, trafficking

Education is the best way to fight against drug abuse and trafficking as it is a smart and cost-effective investment proven to keep generations, families and the society strong and free from the scourge of drug abuse.

This was said by head of National Anti-Drug Association (BASMIDA) Datin Hajah Masni binti Haji Mohd Ali during the Majlis Pendidikan Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Dadah (PPPD) at Awang Semaun Secondary School Hall yesterday.

Cooperation and good relations between government agencies such as the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and non-governmental organisations such as BASMIDA are always maintained to achieve a drug-free Asia, she added.

The programme began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by Sayyidul Istighfar and Selawat Tafrijiyyah, led by Yusri bin Sulaiman.

Director of Schools of Department of Schools at the Ministry of Education Hajah Marina Chek binti Bujang welcomed the programme, especially in promoting the basis of responsibility and disseminating information surrounding the dangers of drug abuse while sharing information with the community about the risks and negative effects of drugs.

NCB senior officer Mohd Reduan bin Abdullah delivered a talk on ‘Drug Abuse Prevention Education’, while a tazkirah on ‘Relationship with maintaining five matters in Maqasid Syariah that touched on the aspect of illegal drug abuse and trafficking was presented by Head of the Counselling and Religious Understanding Unit (KAFA) at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Haji Saharuddin bin Haji Patra.

The event, organised by the secondary school, its Parents and Teachers Association (PIBG) and BASMIDA concluded with the presentation of souvenirs followed by prayer recitations and exhibition from BASMIDA, NCB and KAFA.

The attendees in a group photo. PHOTO: AWANG SEMAUN SECONDARY SCHOOL



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