Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Don’t neglect prayers, Muslims told

Azlan Othman

Hectic schedules or worldly affairs should not be an excuse for Muslims to neglect prayers, Imams said.

In the Friday sermon held in conjunction with the upcoming Israk Mikraj celebration, Imams called on Ummah to intensify their pious acts towards Allah the Almighty by doing good deeds and avoiding wrongdoings, while stepping up efforts to educate children and family members on their obligation to perform five daily prayers to show faith towards Allah the Almighty, seek His forgiveness and gain protection against dangers and calamity.

Imams said the month of Rejab in the Islamic calendar signalled a historical event remembered by Muslims – Israk and Mikraj of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made a journey from Masjidil Haram in Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa in Palestine and later ascended to Sidratul Muntaha.

In such a historic event, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) witnessed the superiority and greatness of Allah the Almighty and the highlight of the event is that Allah the Almighty commanded the obligatory five times a day prayers to Muslims.

Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam and is a benchmark of strength of Ummah.

It is also an important guiding principle for Muslims to shield themselves against committing sins and wrongdoings, Imams added.

Praying also instils discipline, and nurtures the concept of self cleanliness through ablution. The more faithful the individual is, the easier it is to perform the obligation. Conversely, individuals with less faith towards Allah the Almighty will see prayer as a burden, they said.


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