Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


DEPS sees increased compliance of Price Control Act

The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics (DEPS) at the Ministry of Finance and Economy, through the Department of Consumer Affairs, recorded a decline in the number of compound and warning notices being issued under the enforcement of Chapter 142 of the Price Control Act throughout 2023, said the agency in a statement.

The number of compounds and warning notices issued decreased by 21 per cent and 43 per cent respectively, from 61 compounds and 181 warning notices in 2022 to 48 compounds and 104 warning notices in 2023, it added.

“This reflects an improvement in compliance with the Price Control Act among businesses with overall compliance rate for 2023 increasing to more than 96 per cent, compared to 91 per cent in the previous year,” the DEPS said. The statement added that the development was the result of daily inspections at business premises across the Sultanate, joint operations with other enforcement agencies and continuous advocacy efforts to promote compliance with the Price Control Act.

The offences found were mainly related to the Price Display Order, involving the failure to display prices on items sold at business premises or displaying inconsistent prices compared to prices in the counter payment system. Some 42 per cent of the offences were received through official complaints.

Other infringements included selling price controlled items such as cooking oil and formulated powder milk above the maximum price.

The DEPS also advised businesses to continue practising ethical business conduct to earn consumer confidence and to adhere to the maximum price set on price controlled items, as published on the PenggunaBijak mobile application and DEPS website.

An officer from the Department of Economic Planning and Statistics inspects product prices. PHOTO: DEPS
Photos show inspections in progress. PHOTO: DEPS


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