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CSB enhances regional cybersecurity collaboration

Students from ASEAN and Japan received recognition from Cyber Security Brunei (CSB) recently for their efforts in producing cybersecurity short awareness videos during a prize presentation ceremony for the 2023 ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Video Competition at the 16th ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Policy Meeting in Tokyo, Japan, last week.

The competition was initiated by CSB, as Brunei Darussalam is currently the lead country for the joint awareness collaborative activity under the ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Cooperation.

Member countries had each submitted a student-made video that conveyed a specific cyber safety message.

In September, CSB hosted the judging event attended by representatives from the ASEAN member states and Japan diplomatic missions who served as judges.

The judge from the Sultanate was a representative from the Brunei Cyber Security Association (BCSA).

ABOVE & BELOW: Interim Commissioner of Cyber Security Brunei Shamsul Bahri bin Haji Kamis in a group photo with representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, Malaysia’s National Cyber Security Agency, Indonesia’s National Cyber and Crypto Agency, Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications and Japan’s co-chair of the Cybersecurity Policy Meeting; and judges from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. PHOTO: CSB

The judges reviewed all the submitted videos and awarded scores based on the clarity of the cybersecurity message, creativity, and quality of the video.

All 10 submitted videos were showcased during the 16th ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Policy Meeting in Tokyo. Interim Commissioner of CSB Shamsul Bahri bin Haji Kamis present awards to representatives of each ASEAN member states. Also present was Head of Brunei Computer Emergency Response Team Haji Mas Zuraime bin Haji Abdul Hamid.

First place was awarded to Indonesia with a video on ‘Safeguarding Kids Online’, highlighting the importance of parental supervision and active engagement in protecting children from online threats.

A student from Politeknik Siber dan Sandi Negara Rakha Wilis won a cash prize of USD2,000. Accepting the award on behalf of the student was Kurniawan Sigit from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency, Indonesia.

Second place was awarded to Malaysia with the video on ‘Beware of Phishing Scam’, which depicts an email phishing scam, a tactic commonly used by cybercriminals.

The video was made by a student from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi Muhammad Fahimi bin Amir who won a cash prize of USD1,500. Shamzarina Abdul Razak from the National Cyber Security Agency of Malaysia accepted the award on behalf of the student.

The third prize was awarded to Vietnam with the video on ‘4Be Safety Online Tips for Children’ by a student from the Academy of Journalism and Communications Le Thi Ha Anh.

She won a cash prize of USD1,000. Van Thi Hoang Ngan from Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications accepted the award on behalf of the student.


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