Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Contest aims to improve public speaking skills

Brunei Religious Officers Students Association (BruROSA) organised its second annual Open Mic Competition themed ‘The Obligatory Search of Knowledge’ recently.

The competition aimed to improve the students’ confidence and public speaking skills, while providing a platform to share Islamic knowledge. Five undergraduate students from different regions in the United Kingdom (UK) participated.

The event commenced with the recitation of Doa by BruROSA Financial Secretary Arif Ibrahim, followed by an opening speech by the guest of honour, Director of Studies of the Brunei Students’ Unit (UPP), Md Danny bin Aimi.

Three officers from the Brunei Students’ Unit were the judges of the competition. They were religious officer Haji Muhammad Fahmi bin Haji Abas who evaluated the participants’ speech content, Dr Widad Abdul Aziz judged the writing style of the participants’ transcript, and academic coordinator Erna Sumarne binti Haji Sumardi evaluated their speech delivery.

BruROSA President Fikri Ali announced the results of the competition.

BruROSA members during the event. PHOTO: BRUROSA

First place winner Nur Arina binti Haji Hamidun from Cardiff Metropolitan University won GBP150 with her topic, ‘Knowledge from the Eyes of a Muslim’.

Second place winner Md Aqiel Hidayat bin Haji Zulfa Hidayat from Coventry University with ‘Kepentingan Ilmu Duniawi dan Ukhrawi’ received GBP125, while third place winner Awangku Izz Khan Fayyadh bin Pengiran Haji Mohd Hasreen from the University of Manchester with ‘The Continuous Need to Learn and Grow’ won GBP100.

Meanwhile, fourth place winner Hamizan bin Haji Abdul Rahman from the University of Nottingham presented ‘Overcoming Mental Health Issues’ while fifth place winner Mohd Azizan bin Haji Anas from the University of Lancaster delivered ‘Bermusyawarah dalam Kehidupan’.

Participants also received certificates and BruROSA merchandise.

The event concluded with a group photo session and recitation of Surah Al-’Asr.


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