Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Call for visible OKU representation at LegCo

I have been following the Legislative Council (LegCo) meeting, and I find that the LegCo members, in general, do very well in highlighting the most relevant issues that are plaguing the country today.

However, I’ve noticed that one particular segment of the population seems to be unrepresented during these sessions.

A reliable source recently stated that the number of Bruneians with at least one disability or persons with different abilities (OKU) is around 7,000, or almost two per cent, of the population. Basically, the country has done very well in recognising that the OKU community has intrinsic values, thus platforms have been provided to enable them to actively contribute to the nation.

However, it is also in the view of many that a more visible representation in the constitutional setting is long overdue.

Perhaps the appointment of a LegCo member to represent the OKU community would lead to an increase in a more cohesive awareness on the importance of integrating their basic needs and wants as part of the needs and wants of the general population.

Seasoned Observer


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