Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Call for nutritious nasi katok

Nasi katok has got to be one of the local favourites in terms of cheap, easily available fast food options. Each serving often comes with a piece of chicken and some sambal. Once in a while, you come across a vendor who includes a few slices of cucumber.

Some may say it is not the most nutritious meal out there. But with uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with price hikes across basic food essentials, locals have no choice but to opt for the budget meal to feed their families.

I recently visited a popular nasi katok stall in Rimba. Despite it being relatively early – at 11am – there was already a long queue. Imagine if it were lunch time or after work. One could easily stand in line for half an hour to get their hands on BND1 nasi katok.

Nasi katok is especially popular among pensioners to allow them to stretch their monthly budget with ease.

With life growing more stressful, people often struggle to find time to prepare nutritious meals for themselves as well as their families. Thus, it is not surprising that non-communicable diseases are rising at an alarming rate. With COVID-19 thrown in the mix, it is no wonder that the authorities are concerned about the threats of the virus on the populace.

Perhaps the authorities could devise a way to campaign for healthier nasi katok among the vendors, such as workshops to show them how to incorporate essential nutrients into the pack meal and advise them against reusing cooking oil that is days old.

Nasi Katok Lover


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