Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Call for harsher punishment for animal cruelty, negligence

I would like to applaud the company that donated to non-profit organisations (NGOs) that care for stray animals in the Sultanate, as published in the Bulletin yesterday.

These NGOs have been doing a stellar job in tackling the issue of stray animals, and it is even more heart-warming to see private companies taking note of their efforts by supporting them monetarily.

As an owner of a few rescued cats myself, the stray animal issue has been rather close to my heart. At my workplace, it is not uncommon to see “new” kittens being abandoned at our doorstep every few months, as though our office has been marketed among irresponsible pet owners as a dumpsite for unwanted animals.

While my colleagues and I try to rehome these cats, with some even adopting them, it has reached a point where we wonder, “Will it ever end?”

Perhaps our charity is what causes these irresponsible individuals to believe they can get away with it.

However, it is unfair to those, who try their best to care for these animals, especially founders and volunteers of animal shelters.

Simply put, there has to be a better way.

Thus, I would like to appeal to the authorities to impose a harsher punishment for animal cruelty and negligence. It is time to send the message out that being a pet owner is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

The past two years of COVID-19 fight have shown our society is willing to go above and beyond to protect the weak and the needy. Maybe it’s time to extend such compassion to our furry residents.

Animal Lover


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