Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei joins ASEAN customs meeting in Vietnam

Acting Controller of the Royal Customs and Excise Department Muhammad Azizil Hakim bin Haji Brahim and senior officers attended the 33rd ASEAN Directors-General of Customs meeting in Phu Quoc, Vietnam recently.

The meeting, chaired by Director-General of Vietnam Customs Department in Phu Quoc Nguyen Van Can, was joined by delegations from 10 ASEAN member states and its dialogue partners as well as the ASEAN Secretariat.

The meeting reviewed achievements and progress on the Strategic Plans of Customs Development (SPCD) 2021-2025 and the ASEAN Single Window. Muhammad Azizil Hakim, who co-chaired the 22nd ASEAN-China Customs Consultation, with China’s General Administration of Customs Zhao Zenglian on May 5 discussed the ASEAN-China trade, customs cooperation and future proposals.

The meeting also urged country coordinators to develop the next SPCD cycle 2026-2030 for presentation at the 34th ASEAN Directors-General of Customs meeting, which Brunei will host in 2025. – James Kon

Acting Controller of the Royal Customs and Excise Department Muhammad Azizil Hakim bin Haji Brahim in a group photo. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMY
Muhammad Azizil Hakim at the meeting. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMY


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