Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Brunei focusing on enhancing business environment

Brunei Darussalam has made strides in diversifying its economy in the past decade, in line with its objective of realising Brunei Vision 2035.

Permanent Secretary (Wawasan) at the Prime Minister’s Office Pengiran Hajah Siti Nirmala binti Pengiran Haji Mohammad highlighted this at the Brunei Forum 2024 yesterday.

She said the Sultanate has implemented several policies and initiatives to reduce its reliance on oil and gas (O&G) industry resulting in non-O&G activities contributing to a bigger share of the country’s gross domestic product.

The permanent secretary also said Brunei is now focusing on enhancing its business environment to attract foreign direct investment and promote entrepreneurship.

Human capital development, she added, is important and the Sultanate is seeing significant investment in education and skills training programmes.

Pengiran Hajah Siti Nirmala said Brunei has made remarkable progress towards achieving the three goals of Brunei Vision 2035 through the whole-of-nation approach, adding that the country is also committed to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030.

The two-day forum, themed ‘Brunei Today and Over the Next Thirty Years’, is being held at Universiti Brunei Darussalam’s (UBD) Chancellor Hall. It began with a keynote speech from National University of Singapore’s Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability Professor Benjamin Cashore.

The first day featured sessions with local business leaders and a talk by lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Gabriel Yit Vui Yong on ‘Blue Urbanism Strategy to Climate Adaptation’. There was also a panel session with youth leaders and non-governmental organisations.

Today will see a session by the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ mosque affairs officer Pengiran Ahmad Faris Ramadhani bin Pengiran Haji Sellahuddin on ‘Transformasi Belia Brunei – Kecenderungan Terhadap Kegiatan Ugama dan Kemasyarakatan’.

The forum will conclude with a closing summary from UBD professors Ooi Keat Gin and Ampuan Dr Haji Brahim Ampuan bin Haji Tengah as well as remarks from UBD Director of Academy of Brunei Studies Dr Haji Tassim bin Haji Abu Bakar. – Azlan Othman

Permanent Secretary (Wawasan) at the Prime Minister’s Office Pengiran Hajah Siti Nirmala binti Pengiran Haji Mohammad. PHOTO: SIM YH
Attendees of the forum at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. PHOTO: SIM YH



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