Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Bridge to Mengaris Muslim Cemetery completed

Lyna Mohamad & Azlan Othman

Work on the new wooden bridge leading to the Mengaris Muslim Cemetery was completed on Tuesday.

Brunei-Muara District Officer Misle bin Haji Abdul Karim, who participated in the building of the bridge, officiated at the ceremony marking the completion of works.

The activity was initiated by the Kampong Menunggol Village Head Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Osman along with village council members, mosque takmir committee members and residents.

The project was made possible with the contribution from Managing Director of Cityneon Displays and Construction Sdn Bhd Dato’ Ting Jack Chai, who also attended the ceremony and joined Misle in officiating the new bridge.

The ceremony continued with the officiating of the landmark gate for the village, at the road end of the village and as one of the main village entrances.

Kampong Menunggol residents no longer need to use a boat to visit the cemetery across a river, which was also subject to changes in tide.

Kampong Menunggol is located on Berambang Island on the waters of the Brunei River, where Bukit Bujang Pahang is a popular spot for recreational and fitness activities.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show Brunei-Muara District Officer Misle bin Haji Abdul Karim, Kampong Menunggol Village Head Haji Ibrahim bin Haji Osman and Managing Director of Cityneon Displays and Construction Sdn Bhd Dato’ Ting Jack Chai officiating the new bridge. PHOTOS: BRUNEI-MUARA DISTRICT OFFICE


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