Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Beach cleaning campaign collects 1,470 kilogrammes of litter

Environmental protection is important and there should be more cooperative efforts for sustainable development. Korea has various green initiatives with ASEAN member states and plans to work closely with the ASEAN Climate Change Centre to be established in Bandar Seri Begawan, said Korean Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Kim Soung-eun during a cleaning campaign at Muara Beach yesterday.

Some 1,470 kilogrammes of rubbish was collected during the initiative co-organised by local volunteer group Change & Impact and Korean Embassy in Brunei Darussalam.

Around 200 volunteers armed with gloves and garbage bags defied bad weather to collect litter including single-use plastics, cans, scraps, bottles and slippers. – Adib Noor

Korean Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Kim Soung-eun joins the beach clean-up. PHOTO: KOREAN EMBASSY IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
The volunteers in a group photo. PHOTO: KOREAN EMBASSY IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM


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