Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


BDAIDSCouncil continues awareness programme

The Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAIDSCouncil) hosted its HIV Awareness Programme for Peers and Youths (HAPPY) at Katok Secondary School on Saturday.

Some 60 Year 9 and Year 10 students participated in the youth-led project spreading HIV awareness, including knowledge on teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The interactive programme combines audio and visuals as well as activities to educate the youth, including messages adapted to the local setting.

BDAIDSCouncil President Iswandy bin Ahmad delivered and facilitated the programme.

He shared the latest local statistics on STIs and teenage pregnancy by highlighting the age and gender dominating the statistics.

He said the figures can be curbed by applying abstinence as part of preventing youth from getting involved in risky behaviours leading to STIs, pregnancy out of wedlock or early marriage.

BDAIDSCouncil hopes that students can bring home the messages as part of their learning process and to apply it into their daily life. – James Kon

BDAIDSCouncil President Iswandy bin Ahmad in a group photo with students and staff at Katok Secondary School. PHOTO: BDAIDSCOUNCIL

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