Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Bank shares investment outlook for 2024

Standard Chartered Securities, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank, hosted its first seminar on market outlook for the year for over 200 clients at Serambi Suluh, Tarindak d’Seni in the capital on Monday.

In her welcoming address, Standard Chartered Securities Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Brenda Low said, “Our theme, ‘Sailing with the Wind’, serves as a metaphor for our approach to the ever-changing financial landscape and the vast ocean of opportunities that lie before us. Just as sailors harness the power of the wind to navigate the seas, we, too, can leverage the prevailing market forces to chart our course to financial success.

“In today’s rapidly evolving world, the winds of change in the financial markets are constant. It requires astute navigation and a deep understanding of the currents shaping our industry.”

Sharing Standard Chartered’s Global Market Outlook was Chief Investment Officer, North Asia at Standard Chartered Bank’s Wealth Management Group Raymond Cheng, where he delved into the various themes on market trends for 2024.

The seminar ended with a question and answer session hosted by Senior Investment Counsellor at Standard Chartered Securities Hazwan bin Kamarulzaman.


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