Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Bank hosts masterclass for local photographers

Baiduri Bank hosted a photography masterclass led by award-winning master panoramic landscape photographer Chris Collacott, who has been spearheading the BN40 project – Brunei’s first gigapixel photo – an initiative supported by the bank.

Chris spent hundreds of hours capturing a collection of images for BN40 to commemorate the Sultanate’s 40th national day.

Co-founded by local entrepreneur Keeran Janin, BN40 will see Chris’ photos stitched together into a single, seamless, ultra-high-resolution image of the country that when printed at large scales will maintain its incredible detail without pixelation.

Thirty local photographers took part in the masterclass, during which they learnt about best photography practices – planning and research, understanding composition, camera settings and post-processing.

Participants were shown how to extract the full potential of their photos, whether it was captured from their smartphones or digital cameras and produce professional grade shots of the bank’s headquarters.

The best shots from the masterclass, as judged by Chris, will be displayed during the unveiling of BN40.

Baiduri Bank Chief Executive Officer Ti Eng Hui said, “We were excited to receive the invitation from Keeran and Chris to be a part of another first for Brunei. This feat showcases the power of technology and what can be done with modern photography equipment in the right hands.”

Master panoramic landscape photographer Chris Collacott in a group photo with local shutterbugs. PHOTO: BAIDURI BANK

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