Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Appreciation ceremony for jamboree organisers

A certificate presentation ceremony to appreciate the services of organisers of the 5th Brunei Darussalam National Jamboree was held recently.

Scouts Chief Commissioner Haji Awang Badar bin Haji Awang Ali presented certificates of appreciation to 25 members of Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association (PPNBD) from the Performance and Culture Division.

Haji Awang Badar said committee members overcame obstacles with commitment and responsibility to organise the jamboree.

Head of Performance and Culture Division Haji Mohamad Paizzal bin Haji Piluk said the jamboree was a success due to the members’ cooperation and hard work.

Scouts Chief Commissioner Haji Awang Badar bin Haji Awang Ali in a group photo with certificate recipients. PHOTO: PPNBD
Haji Awang Badar presents a certificate. PHOTO: PPNBD


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