Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


An unnecessary inconvenience

Recently I had to accompany a family member to the accident and emergency unit. The incident was so urgent that we had to rush the family member immediately to the hospital.

Upon arrival, we learnt that we were required to do the antigen rapid test (ART) before being allowed into the area.

Though we understand that these are the protocols, we were not offered a solution such as where we could acquire or purchase ART kits close by.

At this point, we were not angry, but frustrated. In such an urgent situation, we did not have the time to look for and buy ART kits.

It is also very impressive that the hospital staff go by the book when it comes to adhering to rules and directives but it would be helpful and logical to make certain allowances or exceptions when it comes to uncalled situations.

We implore the authorities to at least have ART kits available for purchase at entry points where they are required, especially in urgent situations.

Not Against ART


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