Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Agriculture, fisheries can carry nation forward, say Imams

Agriculture and fisheries are sectors with great potential to improve the country’s progress and economy through the production of food such as plantation, cultivation and livestock farming, said Imams in yesterday’s Friday prayers sermon. Imams also said farming is an easy way of getting divine rewards from Allah the Almighty as well as an honest income from the sale of agricultural products.

Working as a farmer is a form of worship, which rewards farmers, Imams said.

Farming teaches a man to understand the true meaning of trust and reliance on Allah the Almighty, they said.

Imams also said Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has reminded the importance of developing agricultural land to produce food and how fertile land should not be left idle and wasted. – Azlan Othman

A woman selling produce in Tamu Kianggeh in the capital. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI

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