Tuesday, October 22, 2024
27 C
Brunei Town


Against the viral threat

A unified effort for rabies prevention and public health

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the dangers of viral diseases and the importance of preventative measures such as social distancing and vaccination, there still exist other viral diseases that can easily go unnoticed.

One such viral disease, infamous for its stealthy progression and deadly consequences, is rabies.

Caused by a virus transmitted primarily through the saliva of infected animals, often through bites or scratches, rabies is almost always fatal and serves as a potent reminder of the delicate balance between humanity and the animal kingdom.

Being globally recognised, the fight against rabies often eludes the spotlight, with medical officers and frontliners working tirelessly in combatting the threat to the country.

An initiative that emerged was a drive-through vaccination drive to ward against the spread of rabies in the country. One such initiative was recently conducted for dogs in the Belait District by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism (MPRT) through the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood (DAA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA).

Dr Raihan Zuhairah binti Haji Zulkifli administering the vaccination to a dog. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM

I spoke to an animal officer from the DAA Dr Raihan Zuhairah binti Haji Zulkifli to learn more about the ongoing effort by the department to form the first protective barrier against the spread of rabies which can be seen in neighbouring countries.

Speaking on the drive-through vaccination drive, she explained how initiatives represented one of the many efforts by the joint task force chaired by deputy permanent secretaries from the MoH, MPRT and MoHA.

“This joint taskforce serves as the foundation for the many action plans to be implemented not only regarding rabies but also any zoonotic diseases that can bring potential harm to the nation,” said Dr Raihan Zuhairah.

The three ministries bring together the skills and expertise necessary to ensure the health safety of the nation is maintained, with the departments under the MoH and the MPRT focusing on the health of humans and animals, while the MoHA’s role on the registers of pets.

Being one of the many initiatives of the ministries involved, the drive-through vaccination drive aimed to provide convenience for pet owners to ensure that their pets are receiving their vaccinations.

Photos show dogs receiving their vaccination. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM

Pet owners brought their pets to not only get them vaccinated for free but also to receive a vaccination card for their pets enabling not only their owners but also agencies and private clinics to keep track of the pets’ vaccination records. “While the drive-through vaccination is focused on rabies, we also encourage pet owners to ensure that their pets receive the core jab to ensure their health,” she added.

With the recent drive-through vaccination drive focused on dogs, the department hopes to open similar initiatives to other animals such as cats, and to other districts.

Another initiative led by the taskforce as an annual activity to educate the public and pet owners on caring for animals is Pet Care Awareness Day (PCAD).

“PCAD is essentially serving to help raise awareness on rabies among pet owners and the public,” said the animal officer.

She also added that PCAD involves not only the taskforce but also other agencies and groups such as private clinics, pet shops and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to bring light on the efforts made on the grassroots level to support pets across the country.

“The PCAD initiative allows private clinics, pet shops and NGOs to set up booths and hold talks to disseminate information and raise awareness, while also match pet owners with relevant agencies to clarify issues on pet care,” said Dr Raihan Zuhairah.

In educating the public on the risks of rabies and other zoonotic diseases and emphasising the importance of seeking immediate medical attention following an animal bite or scratch, the goal is to dispel myths and encourage responsible pet ownership and animal care.

With various initiatives in place by the taskforce, she hopes to shed light on the efforts made by frontliners to ensure the health of the country is maintained.

“We hope that pet owners will be more aware of their pet’s needs and understand the responsibility as pet owners to ensure that core vaccinations are being administered to their pets, as well as taking care of their pets throughout their lives,” she added. – Daniel Lim



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