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Borneo Bulletin, Monday July 15, 2019

Page 24

Royal Birthday

| Wani Roslan |

BRUNEI Darussalam is prioritising health

as one of the key elements in the long-

term realisation of Brunei Vision 2035:

achieving a high quality of life in a

dynamic and sustainable economy.

The people of Brunei Darussalam are

fortunate to have easy access to the

provision of healthcare services through

various health care programmes which

are available nationwide.

The Government of His Majesty

SultanHaji Hassanal BolkiahMu’izzaddin

Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji

Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi

Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan

of Brunei Darussalam, through the

Ministry of Health (MoH), is committed








healthcare services for the country’s

citizens and residents.

Various key strategies have been

implemented by the Sultanate to

support comprehensive healthcare

coverage, including strengthening

of basic healthcare through the

development of a network of health

centres and clinics; the implementation

of health information management

systems which make use of information-

communication technology; and the

implementation of the Brunei Medicine

Policy to ensure safe, quality and

effective medicine supplies across the


Health Promotion Centre (HPC)

The Health Promotion Centre (HPC)

was first established in 2008, with the

Healthy people, healthy country

information and knowledge to the

community on healthy living, while

promoting a healthy lifestyle as a daily

practice and enhancing awareness

on the danger of non-communicable

diseases (NCDs).

The Health Ambassador Programme

TheHealthAmbassadorProgramme is

organisedby theMoHthroughtheHealth

Promotion Centre, in collaboration with

Kampong Bebuloh, to manage and

Initiatives aim to

convey information

and knowledge to the

community on healthy

living, while promoting

a healthy lifestyle as

a daily practice and

enhancing awareness

on the danger of non-

communicable diseases

vision of raising awareness, knowledge

and understanding among Bruneians

on health and good lifestyle choices.

The centre serves as a resource

centre for the public to receive

information, skills and tools on health,

and functions as a community outreach

centre in providing health education

programmes and activities for local


Various programmes and activities

have been carried out by the HPC,

including collaborating with private

sectors and organisations in engaging

local communities topractise a healthier



being carried out are roadshows at

schools and workplaces, exhibitions

and talks, the Health Ambassador

Programme, the Healthy Hero Brunei

Programme, the Workplace and Health

Programme, andtheHappyEnvironment

and Lifestyle (HEAL) Programme.

All of these initiatives aim to convey

prevent non-communicable diseases

(NCs) among high-risk individuals.


to encourage the benefits of a healthy

lifestyle among communities and promote

improvements in health by focussing on

disease prevention and control.

The strategy is adopted to reach out

to communities without ready access

to healthcare amid traditional settings.

(Continue to Page 28)