Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


129 health professionals attend ethics workshop

Some 129 doctors, nurses and allied health professionals (AHP) from various specialities nationwide yesterday attended a two-day ethics workshop at the Mutiara Ballroom of the Radisson Hotel in the capital.

The workshop aims to build capacity of various ethics committees, set up a clinical ethics committee and bolster ethics and professional integrity in the health-care sector.

Participants also include members of the Medical and Health Research Ethics Committee and the National Transplant Ethics Committee at the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The workshop is a collaborative effort between the MoH and Singapore’s National University of Singapore Centre for Biomedical Ethics Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS CBmE) to address challenges in upholding ethical practices within limited legislation.

The workshop provides guidance to set up a clinical ethics committee in the MoH, training and knowledge exchange on ethics by focusing on research participants’ confidentiality and well-being and training on the ethical components of pre-transplant assessment with respect to the living donor. – James Kon

Participants and trainers in a group photo. PHOTO: JAMES KON
A speaker delivers a talk. PHOTO: JAMES KON
ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show participants during the workshop. PHOTO: JAMES KON


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