Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Youth should emulate past Muslim scholars who became expert reference for Ummah

Today’s youth have enormous potential in achieving the first goal in Brunei Vision 2035 which is ‘Educated, Highly Skilled and Accomplished People’, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance (FEIF) assistant lecturer at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Muhammad Fuad bin Matahir said.

He said this in a religious talk at Pehin Khatib Abdullah Mosque in Kampong Kulapis during Munajat on Saturday night.

“Today’s youth need to emulate the companions, tabiin and tabi’ tabiin, many of whom became expert references for Muslims at a young age,” he said. “Therefore, it is important for the youth to continue to study to improve, practise and spread their knowledge.”

The Ministry of Religious Affairs organised the weekly religious event was for the 148th time and invited President of Students Council Representative at UNISSA Mohammad Shafiq Hisyamuddin bin Rosli, who is also second year student at FEIF. He led the reading of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah from Pehin Khatib Abdullah Mosque.

Students and teachers at Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah; mosque takmir committee members and congregants at Pehin Khatib Abdullah Mosque in Kampong Kulapis, Kampong Sungai Besar Mosque, Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit Mosque in Mukim Kilanas, Kampong Menunggol Mosque and Kampong Kapok Mosque as well as nearly 70 mosques, suraus and religious halls nationwide also attended.

Congregants also recited Surah Al-Mulk, Doa Munajat, and Selawat Tafrijiyyah.

The event ended with Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

The Munajat night invites the public to jointly improve spiritual practices, seek forgiveness from Allah the Almighty, read and appreciate the meaning of Al-Quran as well as supplicate simultaneously en masse for the safety of the Sultanate and its people. – Azlan Othman

Minister of Religious Affairs Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman attends the Munajat night. PHOTO: MORA

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