Thursday, March 6, 2025
26 C
Brunei Town

    Youth camp promotes teamwork

    The executive committee of the Nationwide Mosque Youth with Mohammad Jamalul Alam Mosque in Kuala Belait in cooperation with the Ibadurrahman Tutong Youth Group and Zainab Lumut Mosque Youth group held the youth camp ‘Journey of Faith’ from December 5-6 Over 100 youth participated in the camp, organised in conjunction with Brunei December Festival.

    Belait District Chief of Religious Officer Aliyani bin Haji Ismail was the guest of honour at the camp, focusing on youth to be mentally and physically prepared to face challenges in religious studies and general education.

    It is hoped that the programme will produce youth who are responsible, caring and loyal to the king, religion and nation while the youth will be exposed to activities that instill teamwork  and humanity.

    Among the activities of the programme are briefings, spiritual workshops, training in groups, social activities and personal skills. – James Kon

    Belait District Chief of Religious Officer Aliyani bin Haji Ismail in a group photo with the officials and participants. PHOTO: JAMES KON

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