Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) recently hosted a roundtable workshop on ‘Talking about Law and Syariah Law: Hibah, Marital Property and Inheritance’, jointly organised by the Faculty of Syariah, UNISSA and Al Wady Consultant Services.
The event brought together approximately 40 participants, including teaching staff, experts and students from several institutions both within and outside the country. These included UNISSA; Selangor Islamic University (UIS), Malaysia; and Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor, Indonesia. The workshop aimed to discuss important issues in the determination and distribution of Muslim property.
Specifically, it aimed to discuss the importance and understanding of the concepts of hibah, marital property and inheritance, including trust property, Syariah or worldly debts, and allegations related to the process of determining disputed inheritance brought before the Syariah Court for resolution.
Al Wady Consultant Services Chief Executive Officer and presenter Haji Suhaili bin Haji Momin emphasised that early estate planning is vital, as it covers aspects of management both during life and after death.
However, many people remain unclear about the process of estate administration according to Hukum Syara’ and related legislation. It is hoped that this workshop will help participants understand and manage estates more effectively, thereby reducing the risk of conflict among family members.
The event also featured a case study session, where several issues were divided into three scenarios for discussion. Participants, divided into three groups, were given the opportunity to present the results of their group discussions before continuing with an interactive discussion session together.
To enhance participants’ understanding, they also had the opportunity to ask questions and gain insights from the presenter based on his extensive experience practising in Syariah Courts. It is hoped that the workshop will benefit the community by enabling smarter decisions regarding estate planning and management, as well as increasing understanding of Islamic law.
The workshop also aimed to strengthen professionalism in balancing commercial aspects when practising charity, whether in the field of law, consulting services, or Syariah auditing.
With a deeper understanding, it is hoped that property dispute issues can be reduced, allowing for more harmonious solutions to be achieved. – Lyna Mohamad