Friday, June 28, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town

Woman, son-in-law fined for alcohol possession

The Magistrate’s Court yesterday ordered a permanent resident and her Malaysian son-in-law to settle fines, or face jail, following their guilty plea towards charges of possessing undeclared alcoholic beverages at their homes.

Acting Senior Magistrate Dewi Norlelawati binti Haji Abdul Hamid ordered 64-year-old Ngu Suk Leng to settle BND7,500, or serve seven months in jail in default of payment.

Wong Lee Ming, 44, was ordered to settle BND7,200, or serve seven months’ jail in default of payment.

The Customs prosecutor informed court that preventive officers inspected Wong’s house at Jalan Maulana in the Belait District on January 31, 2022 morning.

They found 153 cans and bottles of beer, along with 53 bottles of liquor, confirmed to have been imported without being declared.

By noon, officers inspected Ngu’s house next door, where they found 78 cans and bottles of beer, with 49 bottles of liquor.

These were also found not declared when imported.

The court ordered the seized items forfeited to the state and destroyed. – Fadley Faisal


