Sunday, October 6, 2024
29 C
Brunei Town


Where is the civic responsibility?

I take an hour-long walk at Taman Mahkota Jubli Emas every morning, and lately, I have noticed quite a number of visitors fishing from the river right next to the park.

As a frequent user of the park, I am rather protective of its pristine state. However, a lot of these anglers don’t seem to share my sense of civic responsibility. It is easy to tell where the popular fishing spots are because they are covered in fishing-related litter, including fish!

I feel like the park has been battling an ongoing littering war. If it’s not the joggers, then it’s the weekend visitors. Now we have litterbugs masquerading as anglers. When will it end?

I recently saw a woman picking up a plastic bag from the ground and putting it in a rubbish bin. She wasn’t a cleaner but a visitor who couldn’t stand the sight of litter. I wish more people were like her.



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