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Weight loss wonders of various teas


NEW DELHI (ANN/THE STATESMAN) – Whether you lean towards coffee or tea, there’s a distinct joy in savouring a cup of warm masala tea amidst a rainstorm. 

Beyond being a comforting elixir for navigating daily chaos, tea serves as more than a quick energy boost—it can perform miracles in tackling belly bulge. 

While the connection between weight loss and green tea is well-established with scientific backing, there are alternative options that deliver comparable effectiveness. 


Explore this assortment of tea options for consideration.

Black tea

Having a cup of black tea in the morning or evening is a common sight in Indian households. Research indicates that black tea undergoes more oxidation than other variants, resulting in its dark coloration. The presence of potent polyphenols like caffeine contributes to weight loss by reducing oxidative stress and boosting metabolism.

Oolong tea

Though pricier, oolong tea can be an excellent weight-loss agent. Combining properties of both green and black tea, it undergoes more oxidation than green tea but less than black tea. Oolong tea contains catechins and theaflavins, along with caffeine, making it a potent tool for weight loss and metabolism enhancement.

Hibiscus tea

Derived from hibiscus leaves, hibiscus tea offers various weight loss benefits. With catechins that lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, it indirectly aids weight loss. Additionally, hibiscus tea reduces glucose and carbohydrate absorption, helping lower blood lipid levels.

White tea

Light, mild, and delicately flavoured, white tea boasts potent polyphenols like catechin, ECG, and EGC, making it a robust brew to keep your belly bulge in check. These polyphenols aid in fat cell breakdown and metabolism boost.

Rooibos Tea

Although ongoing research continues, rooibos tea may contribute to weight loss due to the antioxidant Aspalathin. This compound helps alleviate stress, indirectly promoting improved metabolism and weight loss.

While teas are commonly seen as a rejuvenating evening boost, they serve multiple purposes, offering various benefits for both mind and body.



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