Sunday, February 16, 2025
25 C
Brunei Town

    Upholding Halal in food consumption

    Azlan Othman

    Some 20 individuals learned the basic knowledge in the provision of Halal food, cleanliness and food safety aspects during a virtual programme organised by the Halal Food Control Division recently.

    The programme, moderated by Halal Food Control Division’s food officer Nursyafiqah binti Abdul Latif and trainee teacher Mohd Idulfitri bin Haji Ahmad, presented about Halal Certification Body, Halal definition, principles and food source, cleanliness and food safety, and consumers’ responsibilities before purchasing food products.

    Participants also learnt the importance of upholding Halalness of food source for the family, while enhancing awareness to practice the Halalan Thayyiban principle in daily tasks.


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