Wednesday, September 4, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Ummah urged to set intentions during Munajat

Muslims need to fix their intentions in everything they do, try to do it as best as they can and ask for forgiveness from Allah the Almighty for any mistake made.

This was highlighted by Religious Education Officer at Islamic Da’wah Centre Haji Badaruddin bin Haji Basar in his talk during the weekly Munajat on Saturday night.

In highlighting excerpts from Surah Al-Mulk, he said Allah the Almighty created death and life with the purpose of testing which of His creations has the best deeds.

“Every human being will go through a screening test to identify who is the most obedient and sincere in doing pious acts.

“Allah the Almighty judges the quality of His servant’s deeds, and not just the quantity,” he added.

The Munajat, organised for the 119th time by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, began with the recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar and Surah Al-Fatihah.

Congregants also recited Surah Al-Mulk led by religious executive committee member of the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAIDSCouncil) Mohammad Zulhafiz Zariq bin Awang Damit from the Health Promotion Centre’s surau.

The gathering also saw the reading of Doa Munajat, Selawat Tafrijiyyah and Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam to mark the conclusion of the event.

BDAIDSCouncil President Iswandy bin Ahmad also attended.

Mosque takmir committee members, congregants and youth from 56 mosques, suraus and religious halls as well as the workforce of the MoRA and educational institutions as well as their family members also joined the event. – Azlan Othman

Attendees at the Munajat. PHOTO: MORA

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