Monday, March 24, 2025
27 C
Brunei Town

    Triumphant return for ISB students

    Daniel Lim

    International School Brunei (ISB) students achieved podium finishes winning 36 medals in the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) Games in Pattaya, Thailand recently.

    Twenty-two students – 18 from ISB Bandar and four from ISB Seria – competed in swimming, athletics, T-Ball, and football against international schools from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Korea.

    ISB Seria won bronze for the mixed relay athletics race.

    Head of Primary at ISB Seria Rick Smith said, “We are very proud of the pupils who represented ISB and Brunei in the recent games. They worked extremely hard and the whole ISB Seria community got behind them.

    “I am sure the talented pupils of ISB Seria will attend more FOBISIA events in the future.”

    The students had made preparations since January with multiple training events and friendly games leading up to the games in May.

    It was also the first time that ISB Seria students were selected to compete in the FOBISIA Games.

    Head of physical education at ISB Seria Mark Russel said, “The pupils found the competitions tough, yet fun. Many of them made good friends with the other students and this follows the ethos of FOBISIA being the friendly games.”

    He hoped that ISB Seria will continue to send pupils to the games in the future.

    The participating students in a group photo. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM
    Damayantii, Abdillaah, Jasmine and Yuvanth of ISB Seria


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