Adib Noor
An award presentation ceremony was held to recognise students who excelled academically and in co-curricular activities as well as incentivise and motivate students to improve their studies. It also showed appreciation to parents and guardians for their support and encouragement to ensure the success of their children while showcasing the students’ achievements to the community.
This was said by Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha Girls Arabic Religious Secondary School (SUAMPRIPAHS) Acting Principal Dayangku Aidi Noorintan binti Haji Mohd Zinin during the graduation ceremony for Year 10 Fast Track and Year 11 students.
Deputy State Mufti Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Japar bin Haji Mat Dain @ Maidin, the guest of honour, presented awards to the students.
The event began with a recitation of Surah Al-Mujadalah, verses 11 to 15 followed by the presentation of academic and co-curricular activities awards and graduation certificates to 446 students.
The ceremony was also enlivened by performances from graduating students.