Izah Azahari
Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) yesterday presented BIBD Excellent Student Incentive Awards to 14 orphans registered under the MCYS in recognition of their academic achievements in public examinations in 2022.
Two students received monetary awards for achieving excellent results in their GCE O-Level examinations, while nine students received awards for achieving top results in their Brunei Religious Education Certificate (SPUB) examinations. Meanwhile, three students were awarded for their achievements in the Primary School Assessment examination (PSR).
BIBD contributed BND7,600 towards the incentives handed over by the managing director and CEO.
BIBD is committed to fulfilling the Maqasid Syariah, which is concerned with the preservation and promotion of faith, life, the mind, progeny and of wealth.
Through its business activities and values, BIBD will be taking steps to uphold these values, while at the same time, finding ways to complement the government’s efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) and realising Brunei Vision 2035.
BIBD continues to be a key strategic partner for the MCYS in various community-based initiatives.
BIBD’s support to government agencies, combined with the ongoing corporate social responsibility initiatives are part of the bank’s commitment to give back to the community.
The donation is part of BIBD’s efforts under its Sustainability Framework to promote social inclusion.