Saturday, March 15, 2025
32 C
Brunei Town

    To Sir with love

    Lyna Mohammad

    Recipients of awards during the 32nd National Teacher’s Day celebration on Tuesday expressed gratitude and shared words of wisdom after receiving their accolades.

    The significant contributions of former Minister of Education, Health and Development Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi bin Haji Osman were acknowledged during the ceremony with the awarding of the Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien (SHOAS) Education Award.

    Speaking to the Bulletin, Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi shared that the award has brought about valuable meaning for an educator, with the assistance rendered by former colleagues throughout his time at the Ministry of Education (MoE).

    Teacher’s Day is appropriate to be celebrated, to remember the contributions made by educators who have given their services in educating the children of the nation. It will also boost the spirit of teachers who are still shouldering the responsibilities in providing more excellent services.

    He added that in realising the Teacher’s Day theme, educators need to upgrade their professionalism and quality level, adding that there are a lot of initiatives provided by the MoE in helping educators deliver their teaching methods.

    ABOVE & BELOW: Former Minister of Education Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi bin Haji Osman, Dr Haji Azaharaini bin Haji Mohd Jamil and Hajah Norsaidah binti Haji Hassan speak to the Bulletin. PHOTOS: LYNA MOHAMAD

    The role as a teacher is huge in educating children and only those who have the passion and dedication as well as the qualification in the field of education are able to succeed in realising the ‘Quality Teachers Driving Educational Transformation’ theme.

    During his tenure as Deputy Minister of Education, Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi played an important role in the establishment of three new schools – Sports School in 2003, Wasan Vocational School and Business School in 2005.

    While spearheading the MoE, he introduced several educational programmes and initiatives, among which were the formulation of education strategy, upgrade in students’ literacy and numeracy, strengthening the quality of teachers learning and teaching, upgrading the quality and capability of school leaders, and the Brunei Darussalam National Standards for Literacy and Numeracy and Literacy and Numeracy Coaching programme (LNCP).

    Under his leadership, Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) gained four stars on the overall QS Evaluation, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) began its Centre for Leadership and Lifelong Learning and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) worked together with Financing and Promoting Technology (FPT) University, Vietnam in establishing the UBD-FPT Global Centre in Da Nang, Vietnam.

    Meanwhile, recipient of the Meritorious Teacher award 2022 Dr Haji Azaharaini bin Haji Mohd Jamil expressed gratitude to Allah the Almighty for blessing him with good health and easing his journey in carrying out his responsibilities during his services with the Government of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

    Dr Haji Azaharaini thanked the government for the trust placed in him to carry out the tasks, and for the gesture of acknowledgment for his contribution through the Meritorious award.

    He also thanked former colleagues for the cooperation provided while carrying out the duties and tasks during his services, believing that without them, it will not be possible for him to achieve the recognition.

    Dr Haji Azaharaini’s teaching experiences began in 1979 when he was designated as a teacher for physics and integrated science at the former Berakas English School (now Berakas Secondary School).

    He also had the opportunity to teach at UBD mainly in the subject of public policy.

    He noted that there are two things to keep in mind when making a contribution: to do the job honestly and sincerely without expecting to be rewarded – as the reward may not come here in the world but in the hereafter; and to make efforts in upgrading knowledge.

    “When I was carrying out my duties, I felt the knowledge I had was not enough and on my own effort I took up part time studies to gain my Master’s while working at SEAMEO-Voctech. Alhamdulillah, the MoE offered me the opportunity to further my studies abroad,”
    he said.

    “You need to upgrade yourself with knowledge and skills along with your qualifications to deliver quality results.”

    Sharing on what a good teacher is, he said, “one needs to be passionate about being a teacher and must be happy to contribute through teaching, interacting and exchanging views with students. This is where you will feel rewarded,” said Dr Haji Azaharaini, who has been the CEO of Kolej International Graduate Studies (KIGS) since 2018.

    Excellent Teacher Award 2021 recipient Hajah Norsaidah binti Haji Hassan, a former Maths, English and Malay special education needs assistance (SENA) teacher at Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (YSHHB) Primary School, expressed her Junjung Kasih to His Majesty.

    She also expressed gratitude to the administration of YSHHB Primary School, former colleagues for their support and teamwork as well as her family.

    Hajah Norsaidah, who initiated the opening of the Learning Support Centre in 2004 and also started the i-Care programme, shared that to excel, most importantly one needs to be sincere in carrying out entrusted responsibilities and always be proactive and creative in resolving problems.

    Equally important is teamwork with fellow colleagues and support from the administrative side, she said.

    While her husband is also a teacher, none of her children are following in their footsteps, although most of her family members are teachers.

    Her journey as a teacher has been filled with bittersweet memories, from knowing nothing to gaining a lot of knowledge.

    Her journey was filled with plenty of ups and down, but she just kept on learning and upgrading herself, making it a point to ask when in doubt.

    She added that, up to her retirement, there had been so much valuable experience and knowledge. She also feels rewarded in seeing her students excel in their studies.

    “To be a good teacher, you need to do a lot of learning and research as in education there is always something new coming up along the way and you need to grab the opportunity to learn these new things and adapt to them,” she said.


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