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The truth behind water fasting’s health claims

AFP – The newest diet trend making waves across social media platforms is water fasting.

Following in the footsteps of intermittent fasting, which involves cycling between eating and fasting during specific hours, water fasting has captured attention on TikTok for its touted health advantages.

This regimen entails consuming solely water and other liquids (like coffee, tea, herbal infusions, and vegetable broth) for a day or longer. Advocates claim it aids weight loss and rejuvenates the digestive system, but it comes with potential health hazards.

There are many ways to practise water fasting, but experts agree that the ideal duration is five days, once a year.

For those new to water fasting, an initial period of 24 to 48 hours is recommended.

But is it really an effective solution for weight loss?

According to a 2023 study from the University of Illinois, Chicago in the United States (US), published in the journal Nutrition Reviews, water fasting may not be effective for long-term weight loss. The review of eight studies on water fasting reported that participants experienced significant short-term weight loss.


Those who fasted for five days lost four-six per cent of their initial weight, those fasting for seven to 10 days lost two-10 per cent, and those fasting for 15-20 days lost seven-10 per cent of their original weight.

In one of the studies reviewed, which tracked participants’ weight after the fast ended, people were found to have gained back all they had lost in a five-day water fast within three months.

“My overall conclusion is that I guess you could try it, but it just seems like a lot of work, and all those metabolic benefits disappear,” said study lead researcher and professor of kinesiology and nutrition Dr Krista Varady in a news release.

Water fasting can have side effects, including mood swings, migraines and vomiting.

It can exhaust you physically and mentally, preventing you from engaging in strenuous
physical activity.

Professor Varady also noted that “participants in these prolonged fasts lost about two-thirds of their weight in lean mass and one-third in fat mass.

“This is the opposite of what happens most of the time during weight loss, where more fat is lost than muscle.”

Water fasting is not recommended for certain categories of people, including children and adolescents; people with medical conditions such as diabetes; pregnant and breastfeeding women; and adults over 75.

“When done long term, water fasting can be dangerous, and even fatal without medical supervision, because of nutrient and electrolyte imbalances,” US-based functional medicine dietitian Kaytee Hadley told the American magazine Forbes.

It’s crucial to consult a doctor before attempting prolonged fasting, as going 24 hours or more without food can be dangerous.

Finally, it’s worth remembering that water fasting is not a miracle solution for weight loss or detoxification. Its effects vary from one individual to another, and it should be practised with caution.


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